
stakeholders News and Events

  • Call for Digital Agriculture Solutions during COVID-19

    We would like to get feedback on the available digital solutions in agriculture, which the community can re-use or upscale. Many smallholder farmers in the global south require on-farm digital solutions to support them through-out the value chains and in their agricultural practices. COVID-19 has opened opportunities for the adoption of Digital Agriculture Solutions in various functions within value chains. Preliminary requirements Send your details through this link Digital Solutions in Agriculture Submissions should be in one of these languages: French, English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic,...
  • Evaluation in the age of big data: Opportunities and challenges in agriculture and food security

    The EvalForward posted a blog discussing evaluation in the age of big data and exploring opportunities in agriculture and food security. Evaluators working in the areas of food and agriculture are constantly seeking creative ways to produce credible evaluation findings and recommendations while working under one or more of these constraints. Big data and data science can make a difference. The potential of big data technologies is especially evident in the current pandemic context. The blog sets out various challenges that are facing evaluators today and further explains how big data and data...
  • Invitation to ZOOMINAR IV : Accelerating Digital Extension Advisory Services (DEAS) in post COVID-19 context

    BACKGROUND The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are providing policy recommendations, guidelines and tools to improve Extension Advisory Services (EAS) systems, in order to build resilience of smallholders to crises and disasters. As the world is currently struggling to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and the farmers in countries including NENA region are facing dual burden i.e., inadequate health services coupled with timely extension services for sustaining their livelihoods. The digital disruption in EAS may define the...
  • Feedback on the Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report 2018-2019

    In December 2020, the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) will cease its operations. As part of the closure process, we would like to invite you to participate in a short survey that assesses the outcomes of " The Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report 2018-2019 " that CTA and Dalberg Advisors published in June 2019. The report, the first of its kind, analysed the current state of digitalisation of agriculture in Africa. Your feedback will enable us to finalise the project completion report. The survey will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete, and we...
  • Challenge Call on the ‘Desert Locust’ at the Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020

    The ‘desert locust’ is one of the challenge calls at the Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 . The Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 is one of the satellite INSPIRE hackathons. The hackathon is organised in the frame of the IST Africa 2020 Conference. There are 9 challenges in this Kampala edition. The desert locust challenge comes when some parts of Eastern Africa are experiencing locust infestation since the end of 2019. The locusts have posed a great threat to the East African Societies, which largely dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods. Therefore, the team is inviting innovative...
  • Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020

    The IST-Africa 2020 conference, supported by the European Commission (EC) and the African Union Commission (AUC), addresses a series of societal challenges. The Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 is a contribution to the joint efforts to solve these challenges. The hackathon addresses some of the key...
  • International Forum on Innovation in Agri-Food Systems to achieve the SDGs

    FAO along with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in partnership with other International Organizations, are organizing the forum to discuss innovative approaches, investments and technological tools and resources to tackle the challenges facing the...
  • World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020

    2020 theme: Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters is the foremost creative force for engaging the world's top leaders in collaborative activities to shape the global, regional and industry agendas at the beginning of each year...
  • Agriculture ministers meeting in Berlin welcomes the FAO-designed concept for an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture

    FAO Director-General hails agreement to establish the international body to promote digital technologies for sustainable agriculture and food security As published on FAO News , and re-shared for the benefits of e-Agriculture users 18 January 2020, Berlin - The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture ( GFFA ) drew to a close today with the agriculture ministers of 71 nations, thanking FAO and the other International Organisations for developing a concept for the establishment of an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture, as requested in the 2019 GFFA Final Communiqué. They...
  • FAO host a Side Event on the Establishment of an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture at GFFA 2020

    Berlin 16 January 2020 . The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) hosted a side event at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture ( GFFA ) 2020 meeting. The theme of the event was ‘Towards the establishment of an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture’. The side event was organized by FAO to present, discuss and validate the concept note for the establishment of the Digital Council as requested by the GFFA 2019 Communiqué . The meeting was opened by Mr. Friedrich Wacker, the Deputy Director-General for International Cooperation and Global Food Policy, BMEL and was attended...