Question 4
Question 4. What governance structure should be in place in order for the Council to serve its purpose? According to you, do you think the proposed governance scenario is politically feasible?
Proposed information for the concept note – The proposed governance scenarioThe proposed operating model and governance structure of the council should be flexible in nature to evolve with new and emerging needs. It should also heed the lessons learned from others, and it must be designed to meet the established guiding principles.
The proposed model consists of four main operational units: 1) Executive Council; 2) Advisory Committee; 3) Secretariat; and 4) Working Groups. Each unit is described in detail below.
a) Executive Council - is an expert group that will have the ultimate decision-making authority of the Digital Council and will steer its overall efforts. It will include a balanced representation of critical mid- to senior-level voices for digital agriculture, including representatives from government institutions (varying by region), the private sector, academia/research, donors providing financing in support of the council, and members from civil society. Members will be nominated by the region’s constituent governments, according to the rules and regulations adopted for representation within FAO’s existing organs. Based on those norms, there will be a total of 21 delegates, valid for two years and every member can be elected twice.
b) The Advisory Committee - is the organ of the Digital Council that guarantees the involvement of International Organizations and helps to avoid the duplication of efforts and strategies within the broader digital agriculture development ecosystem. It is responsible for providing the Digital Council with nonbinding strategic suggestion and will largely operate in a consultative matter. In that role, it is expected that the Advisory Committee meet bi-annually, once in-person alongside the Executive Council, and either virtually or in person for the other meeting, based on the decision of the Chair of the Advisory Committee.
c) Secretariat - is a lean unit that provides high-quality and efficient operational and administrative services to the council. It manages the administrative and budgetary planning of the council. It also monitors the activities of the Working Groups, making sure that they execute the plans decided by the council within appropriate time frames and with a high level of efficacy and quality.
d) The Working Groups - are task forces created to execute the council’s specific decisions. While specific roles will be decided by the Executive Council and informed by the Advisory Committee and Secretariat lead, illustrative roles could include:
- Gather evidence about the problem/need the Group was created for and design a solution. The proposed solutions shall be designed to be scalable to the greatest extent allowed by the specific situation and must be based on high-quality evidence. If the council acts on building the knowledge hub, that hub will host any of the solutions that are generated.
- Develop an action plan to realize the solution and enables the start of the projects.
- The Working Groups can study the best way to bring the designed solutions to reality, within the shortest possible time and at the lowest costs.
Meanwhile, a monitoring and evaluation organism is set up to help set baselines as well as monitor progress.
Further guiding questions related to Q4 for your consideration:
- Do you have any suggestions in terms of the key elements to make the governance scenario more effective?
- Apart from this model, do you have other preferred models?
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