
Posts on the topic "Agrifood Systems Innovations"

Posts on the topic "Agrifood Systems Innovations"

  • Unlocking Digital Innovation: Stakeholders Collaborate to Develop Digital Agriculture Strategy in Madagascar

    From 13 to 20 May, stakeholders from various sectors, including farmers, fishermen, government officials, extension workers, higher education institutions, civil society, and the private sector, gathered in Antananarivo as part of the technical working group and consultative process. Their objective was to gain a comprehensive understanding of the country's context, analyse the existing situation, and assess the specific needs for digital agriculture transformation. Throughout the mission, the FAO team engaged in discussions with identified stakeholders to validate the findings of the desk...
  • FAO Brussels Briefing: Together to end child labour in agrifood value chains | 12 June 2023

    It is an alarming fact that 70 percent of children engaged in child labour worldwide – 112 million – are working in agriculture. Their work goes beyond the limits of safety and well-being and crosses into a form of labour that can harm their health and undermine their education, perpetuating poverty and food insecurity.Even more worrisome, child labour has increased between 2016 and 2020, with an additional four million girls and boys involved in child labour in agriculture.On 12 June, to mark the World day against child labour, we will discuss with global, regional and country-level partners...
  • Transforming Agriculture Through Innovation: The Blue-Green Digital Innovation Challenge in Grenada

    In the scenic and fertile lands of Grenada, a new chapter of agricultural innovation is unfolding. With the launch of the Blue-Green Digital Innovation Challenge, the Government of Grenada, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is spearheading a visionary initiative. This groundbreaking challenge aims to empower local entrepreneurs and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the agroprocessing and agrotourism sectors by encouraging the integration of innovative and digital solutions...
  • 12th ICT4D Conference

    The global ICT4D community will gather again in person for the 12th ICT4D Conference in Accra, Ghana.Taking place on March 19 & 20, 2024 , the ICT4D Conference attracts a diverse audience of over 800 technical advisors, program managers, and executives at public, private, and civil society...
  • Perspectives on the way forward toward gender equality in agrifood systems

    Please join the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for a high-level presentation of a seminal report on the critical roles women play in the global food supply chain. Featuring USAID Administrator, Samantha Power White House Gender Policy Council Director and Assistant to...

    Online on Zoom: Register here Opening remarks by the FAO Director-General The FAO report The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems will be launched during a high-level event on Thursday, 13 April. The new FAO report provides a comprehensive picture of the status of women not only in agriculture, but...