
Posts on the topic "Agrifood Systems Innovations"

Posts on the topic "Agrifood Systems Innovations"

  • "DIGITAL IN ACTION” at WSIS forum 2023 FAO takes stock in agrifood systems transformation for SDGs achievement

    Digital technology applications can create significant economic, social, and environmental benefits and accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including having a direct impact on smallholders and farmers. The 2023 edition of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD from the 13th to the 17th of March under the theme, “Action Lines for building back better and accelerating the achievement of the SDGs” concretely illustrated this vision through an intensive week of successful information exchanges...
  • Unleashing the potential of youth and women in the agri-preneurship with digitalization

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Rwanda Development Board (RDB), started the sessions of the digital agriculture and innovation skills learning program and tools piloted with the representatives from groups of youth & women engaged in agri-preneurship across the country. The development process of this program was done through a working session that engaged eights experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Rwanda Development Board, Rwanda Information Society Authority , Rwanda...
  • Global AgriInno Challenge 2022 successfully held  

    After two months’ tensive schedule, the pitch event of Global AgriInno Challenge 2022 was finally successfully held in the Rome time afternoon of 16 December via Zoom. Global AgriInno Challenge 2022 is co-organized by FAO, Zhejiang University and Hangzhou Municipal People's Government. It is undertaken by Talent Office of Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Hangzhou Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Jiande Municipal People's Government and Institute of Food Economy and Agrocommercial Management of Zhejiang University, with support from Foreign Economic Cooperation Center of the Ministry of...
  • Digital Agriculture Forum 2022: successfully held virtually in Dec

    The First Global Event of Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC) Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs Project accelerates the upscaling of innovation through sharing of knowledge and global experiences 09.12.2022. Rome . The Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC) sub-programme on Global Network Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs held its first global event aimed at sharing knowledge and experiences from four implementing countries and from Wageningen University’s SmartAgriHub project. This FVC event was a panel session at the Digital Agriculture Forum (DAF) 2022 with the participation of the...
  • RuralInvest: empowering rural entrepreneurs

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Investment Centre is launching a newly updated software and training package to empower rural entrepreneurs, agricultural extension workers and investors. RuralInvest is a free step-by-step toolkit, now offering new, user-friendly and multi-language software combined with hands-on support, to produce sustainable and bankable agribusiness plans. RuralInvest brings together small and medium-sized enterprises seeking capital to expand, with national and international financial institutions looking to securely invest in viable...
  • Launch of FAO new RuralInvest

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Investment Centre is delighted to invite you to attend the launch event for the new RuralInvest – a free toolkit to build bankable, sustainable agribusiness proposals, developed by FAO division of Digitalization and Informatics. Date: 14 December 2022 Time: 14:00-16:00: Presentation of the new RuralInvest· 16:00-18:00: Technical session for RIV users Languages: English and French RuralInvest brings together rural communities, agripreneurs, local government technicians and financing institutions to identify, prepare, evaluate...
  • Call for Open Agricultural Advisory Services

    The Digital Public Goods Alliance’s Food Security Community of Practice, co-chaired by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation ( Norad ) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN ( FAO ), are collaborating to identify open source software, data, and content collections that provide real-time, actionable advice for farmers to support them in their agricultural activities. Throughout 2022, the Digital Public Goods Alliance has been working closely with alliance members FAO and Norad to co-manage a community of practice on food security. Acknowledging the compounding...
  • Call for Open Agricultural Advisory Services

    The Digital Public Goods Alliance’s Food Security Community of Practice, co-chaired by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation ( Norad ) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN ( FAO ), are collaborating to identify open source software, data, and content collections that...
  • Launch of FAO new RURALINVEST

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Investment Centre is delighted to invite you to attend the launch event for the new RuralInvest – a free toolkit to build bankable, sustainable agribusiness proposals, developed by FAO division of Digitalization and Informatics. Date...