FAO emergencies and resilience

Accountability and inclusion

FAO is accountable to the women, men, boys and girls whose lives it aims to improve, and places this responsibility at the core of its emergency response and resilience programmes.

Accountability and inclusion addresses issues such accountability to affected populations, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, diversity and inclusion.

Focusing on the rights, responsibilities, dignity and safety of all segments of an affected community, accountability and inclusion identifies the capacities, aspirations, constraints and unique needs by gender, age and diversity groups as they evolve over time. In practice, it entails two-way communication channels, which are essential to provide information that enables affected people to make informed decisions about their own lives. It also includes encouraging, listening to and acting on their complaints and, adapting programmes based on their feedback.

Another important measure is guaranteeing affected populations have access to aid without fear of exploitation or abuse by any aid worker. Overall response efforts involve enabling people to report on or address sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment without fear of retaliation.

FAO fulfils its commitment to accountability and inclusion by ensuring a people-centred response through:

  • institutional commitment to integrate and mainstream accountability and inclusion across all emergency and resilience programming
  • partnerships and coordination with key stakeholders at all levels to maximize synergies and foster exchange of best practices
  • continuous awareness-raising and capacity development of staff and partners
  • ensuring participation and inclusion of affected populations in decisions that impact their lives

By being more accountable to affected populations, FAO achieves programmes of higher quality, with greater and more sustainable impact. 

Inclusion through agriculture for refugees in Uganda

Agriculture gives refugees an opportunity to earn a living and make new friends along the way

Reshaping agriculture in Africa to end child labour

How FAO supports the elimination of child labour and helps children have better lives

Women’s equality in agrifood systems could boost the global economy by $1 trillion, reduce food insecurity by 45 million: new FAO report

Agrifood systems are a major employer of women globally and constitute a more important source of livelihood for women than for men in many countries

Bangladesh: DIEM – Data in Emergencies Monitoring brief, round 9

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Sustaining peace in the Sahel and West Africa: Lessons learned and best practices from FAO Peacebuilding Fund projects

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COVID-19 response: Strengthening local agricultural supply chains

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Listening to Women: adapting to climate change

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Women Empowerment: Paving the Way for Sustainable Natural Resource Management in Nepal

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