Bureau des urgences et de la résilience de la FAO

©New Zealand Defense
FAO is gearing up to respond as needed, based on its experience with previous disasters in Tonga and elsewhere
World experts met to identify essential components of a One Health Intelligence System for early warning and risk assessment
For a number of years, rural Syrian households, particularly those headed by women, have had to earn sufficient income to feed their families
©FAO/Luis Tato
Avian influenza is one of the major transboundary animal diseases
©FAO/Patrick Meinhardt
In a region reeling from locust invasions and COVID-19, a third-consecutive year of poor rains poses a major threat to food security
The agreement marks the official launch of Phase III of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme after China’s announcement of an additional $50 million in funding
FAO’s desert locust response programme is supporting rural farming households to address acute food insecurity in rural areas while contributing to mitigate further displacement
Funding is intended to support FAO’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery and One Health programmes
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, with the support of the Myanmar Humanitarian Fund, has provided cash assistance to 1 200 farming families...
As in many other countries, the agriculture sector in Syria has limited appeal as a source of stable income for youth