FAO emergencies and resilience

La formation ISAVET permet de renforcer les capacités en détection, rapportage et réponse aux zoonoses, y compris les maladies transfrontalières, endémiques, émergentes, et ré-émergentes, en collaboration avec d’autres secteurs de la santé dans le cadre de l’approche «Une seule santé».
Somalia, like many countries, is affected by frequent climate-related hazards such as floods, droughts and tropical storms.
Depuis le 1er septembre 2019, la ville de Birao en République centrafricaine a été confrontée à des chocs multiples et persistants.
The USD 5 million project ushers in a second phase of interventions aimed at creating more sustainable management of water resources for improved livelihoods and food production in Sana’a basin. 
Millions of people in Myanmar are expected to become hungry over the coming six months as food security is predicted to rise sharply and plunge the country into a food crisis. 
Technical officers from the Tripartite Organizations: (FAO, OIE and WHO), discuss zoonotic diseases.
The ongoing conflict in Tigray has led to a humanitarian crisis characterized by alarmingly high levels of food insecurity, gender-based violence, widespread displacement, limited access to services, and the destruction of the local economy.
As a result of more than ten years of crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic, the ability of livestock herders in Hama Governorate to access fodder and water for their livestock became severely restricted.
The eruption of Nyiragongo volcano in Goma worsened the food insecurity of populations already affected by the upsurge in violence, climatic hazards and epidemics, generating high chronic needs.
From biosecurity labs to 3D animations, increased capacity and communication improve response to outbreaks