FAO emergencies and resilience

Ismail Bana Ibrahim and his colleagues set into the deep sea around 6 pm and came back the following morning with 40 kg of iced fresh fish, ready for the mainland Kismayu market.
Questions and Answers with Keith Cressman, FAO's Senior Locust Forecasting Officer
Cash+ helps farmers in Somalia through the lean season
Over the past five decades, the Horn of Africa has seen a continuous stream of both natural and man-made shocks. Combined with poor governance of land and other natural resources, as well as long-term economic and demographic trends, these shocks alongside conflict have challenged even the most resilient dryland livelihood systems. 
Safeguarding agricultural and pastoralist livelihoods by transforming a longstanding threat into a sustainable resource for women and youth
Despite some improvement in the overall food security and nutrition situation in Somalia, 2.1 million Somalis could face acute hunger in the absence of humanitarian assistance between now and December 2020
UN Agency to air more than 30 episodes on good agricultural practices, livestock, nutrition and fishery

Initiative seeks to increase self-reliance of vulnerable populations and lay the groundwork for increased agribusiness investment

FAO campaign vaccinates 14.5 million goats and treats another 3.5 million animals to safeguard the country’s main economic activity
FAO Representative in Somalia Etienne Peterschmitt discusses COVID-19 and its impacts on vulnerable groups and the UN agency's work.