FAO emergencies and resilience


Interview with Cyril Ferrand, FAO’s Resilience Team Leader for East Africa, and Carla Mucavi, FAO Country Representative in Kenya

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today issued a stark warning of multiple, looming food crises, driven by conflict, climate shocks, the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic
FAO is helping a women's cooperative in Wau succeed despite harsh climatic conditions and faraway markets
©FAO/Luis Tato
The funding aims to support lives and livelihoods of most severely drought-affected farmers and herders
©FAO/Luis Tato
FAO senior officials visit affected areas in the rush to save lives and livelihoods
©FAO/Patrick Meinhardt
In a region reeling from locust invasions and COVID-19, a third-consecutive year of poor rains poses a major threat to food security
Sureedo lives on her farm in Qoordumey village, Dolow, Somalia. She grows fruits and vegetables with her family and was among the 2 500 rural farming households affected by the drought and desert locust swarms that have decimated crops and destroyed livelihoods.
©FAO/Mattia Romano
After the suspension of livestock shows due to the pandemic, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has resumed activities in South Sudan.
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
Director-General QU Dongyu tells High-Level UN Event on famine that livelihoods assistance must be prioritized