FAO emergencies and resilience

Photo collection

Some 220 vulnerable households from marginal herding communities in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, received 200 kg of concentrate animal feed each to keep their livestock alive, healthy and productive.


Widespread and severe food insecurity persists in Somalia and over 4 million Somalis are expected to be severely food insecure in the first half of 2022, with 2 million of them living in rural areas affected by drought

©FAO/Arete/Abdulkadir Zubeyr

The European Union Pro-resilience Action (ProAct) programme aims to substantially increase the resilience of vulnerable people’s livelihoods to food crises by addressing key underlying causes of vulnerability in Lower Shabelle, within Somalia’s breadbasket.

©FAO/Richard Trenchard

An FAO delegation headed by the FAO Representative in Afghanistan, Richard Trenchard, travelled to the southern region of Afghanistan in January 2022...