Environmental and social safeguards

Disclosure portal

FAO discloses project documents and environmental and social risk management plans on this disclosure portal as part of its efforts to be transparent to stakeholders and provide them with opportunities to engage in FAO’s work. Based on requirements set out in its Framework for Environmental and Social Management, FAO aims to make project-level information related to environmental and social risk management available in a timely manner. Documents are disclosed once final, and before the start of the implementation of the project.

Do you have a grievance or suggestion about an FAO project? Use the project-specific Grievance Redress Mechanism, or the Decentralized Office Grievance Redress Mechanism (please check the FAO country page) or contact the Office of the Inspector General (Investigations), if a grievance cannot be resolved through project management or technical level.

If you have questions about FAO's safeguards policy or need help identifying contact details for a FAO project, contact: [email protected].



Title Strengthening management to combat threats from Aquatic Invasive Alien Species in Venezuela (GEF)
Start date 31/03/2025
Donor Global Environment Facility
Project Code GCP/VEN/11115/GFF
Title Forests for Life - Intact Tropical Forest Landscape Conservation in Thailand
Start date 29/06/2023
Donor Global Environment Facility
Project Code GCP/THA/11104/GFF
Title Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas para aumentar la resiliencia climática en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano y Zonas Áridas de República Dominicana
Start date 05/02/2024
Donor Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica
Project Code GCP/SLM/010/BCI
Title Enhancing water security, biodiversity and resilience of livelihoods through integrated water resources management and ecosystem restoration in Viet Nam’s Red River basin
Abstract Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) The project concept was approved during the 64th GEF Council meeting in June, 2023.
Start date 29/06/2023
Donor Global Environment Facility
Project Code GCP/VIE/11131/GFF