FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

40/3 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ECA

Virtual Event, 27/09/2024

The 40/3 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 27 September 2024, with the aim to continue preparing for the next 44th Session of the ECA to be held in September 2025. The Committee will be updated on the call for proposals for the main technical theme of the 44ths Session of the ECA, as well as on the implementation of regional work programme in Europe and Central Asia in a selected technical area – Ensuring food security and addressing all forms of malnutrition: Monitor the progress towards SDG2 targets. The Chairperson of the Commission will give feedback from the European Regional Group (ERG) meeting on 16 September, where she presented the work of the ExCom.  

The meeting of the Executive Committee is not open to the public. The minutes will be made available on this website within 14 days after the meeting.