FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

On-job training for laboratory experts on the diagnosis of harmful organisms and use of modern laboratory techniques and procedures for strengthening capacities of the national phytosanitary control services

Hybrid Event, 27/03/2017 - 31/03/2017

The national on-job training for laboratory experts on the diagnosis of harmful organisms and use of modern laboratory techniques and procedures is implemented under the Regional TCP on Strengthening capacities of the national phytosanitary control services in 4 Eastern European countries (TCP/RER/3503). The main aim of this extensive training is introducing specialists to diagnostic aspects of new quarantine plant pest pathogens with emphasizes of entomology, bacteriology and virology field. During the training specialists will gather specific information with practical exercises on morphological identification of different groups of insect’s species. Discussion of details on detection and identification methods will take place for bacteria, viruses and phytoplasmas. The training will be carried out by leading European experts in phytosanitary diagnostic. The training session is a part of the series of on-job training that will take place in all participating in the regional project countries.