FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

South-South Cooperation with Non-State Actors: Turkey-Azerbaijan Farmers-to-Farmers Exchange of Land Consolidation Experiences

Hybrid Event, 04/12/2017 - 08/12/2017

The Turkey-Azerbaijan South-South cooperation initiative will be linked to an on-going TCP on the introduction of land consolidation and elaboration of the land consolidation strategy in Azerbaijan (TCP/AZE/3601). The South-South cooperation initiative aims to raise awareness and knowledge about land consolidation, among Azeri farmers and landowners, not only in the community where land consolidation pilot activities are implemented, but also nationwide through organizing a farmers-to-farmers exchange between Turkey and Azerbaijan. Farmers from Azerbijan will visit ongoing and already implemented land consolidation project sites in Turkey. Turkish farmers will share their experiences, lessons learned and success stories with Azeri farmers during their field visit to Turkey. It is expected that Azeri farmers will be keen to participate in land consolidation activities and will eventually improve their farm structures by reducing land fragmentation and improving agricultural productivity.

Organizers: FAO and the Acıpayam Irrıgation Union (Acıpayam, Turkey) under the DPS's South-South Cooperation Initiative with Non-State Actors

Language: Turkish

Participants: 10-15 farmers--a mixed group representing farmers’ organizations and individual farmers from Azerbaijan