FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Train-of-trainer program for field veterinarians on LSD (TCP/RER/3605)

Hybrid Event, 31/05/2018 - 01/06/2018


Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a newly emerged transboundary animal disease spreading throughout the Middle East, Turkey, the Balkans, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. Introduction of LSD virus into naïve population causes considerable economic losses due to death of cattle, decrease of their productivity, the cost of vaccination campaigns, and most importantly, its effects on trade. The risk of an imminent incursion into neighbouring still unaffected countries is very high, particularly for those sharing borders and (both formal and informal) trade routes. This is the case of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.

LSD is a novel disease in the region. As such, veterinary services, farmers and cattle owners do not have experience in the recognition of the disease or the methods in which prevention and control can be realized. The veterinary services of affected and at risk countries, with no previous experience, are faced with serious challenges.

The training

Because of the above, a cascade training is scheduled in Ukraine that eventually will reach all field veterinarians in at-risk Oblasts in the eastern and western borders of the country (Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Lugansk, Donetsk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Odessa). The same process will follow in Belarus and Moldova. The training is organized in the framework of the technical cooperation project TCP/RER/3605.

The devised train-of trainer (TOT) program follows the following stages:
1. Training of core trainers: A 2-day training for 8 core trainers from at-risk Oblasts (i.e. administrative units) in Ukraine, plus national project coordinators (NCPs) and national consultants from Belarus and Moldova (all in charge of replicating the training in their own Oblasts and countries, respectively).
2. Replicates of the trainings at Oblast level, taught by the core trainers with the participation of all the heads of the Raions (i.e. administrative units within Oblasts).
3. Replicates of the trainings at Raion level, taught by the Raion head veterinarians, with the participation of all veterinarians within each Raion.

The training was taught by international experts with first-hand experience in the control of LSD. The 1.5 training of core trainers in Kiev follows a combination of theoretical lectures (1st day), plus a half day visit to a farm (Biosecurity on farm, Personal biosecurity, Sample collection and handling, Epidemiological investigation, and Application of control measures). See the agenda for more details. All presentations are available in English and Russian.

Participants are provided with copies of the presentations, standard operating procedures and copies of the lumpy skin disease field manual in Ukrainian (for themselves and to be distributed to each Raion).


The 1.5-day workshop brings together 10 veterinary specialists from Ukraine (8 from state veterinary services of 8 high-risk Oblasts/Regions, and 2 from Central level), plus representatives from academic institutes. In addition, national project coordinators and national consultants form Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine also attended.


Engagement and awareness of farmers and others
Nadav Galon
FAO International consultant

Вовлечениеиосведомленность фермеров и других заинтересованных сторон
Надав Галон
Международный консультант ФАО

LSD epidemiology and diagnosis (clinical & laboratory)
Tsviatko Alexandrov
DVM, PhD, FAO International consultant

Нодулярный дерматит: эпидемиология и диагностика (клиническая и лабораторная)
Цвятко Александров
Международный консультант ФАО

LSD situation in the region
Tsviatko Alexandrov
DVM, PhD, FAO International consultant

НД КРС ситуация в регионе
Цвятко Александров
DVM, PhD, FAO международный консультант

Surveillance, early detection and emergency response
Nadav Galon
FAO International consultant

Надзор, раннее выявление и быстрое реагирование
Надав Галон
ФАО международный консультант

LSD epidemiological investigation
Nadav Galon & Tsviatko Alexandrov
FAO International consultants

Эпидемиологическое исследование НД
Надав Галон & Цвятко Александров
ФАО международные консультанты

Measures used on LSD positive holdings
Tsviatko Alexandrov
DVM, PhD, FAO International consultant

Меры, применяемые в позитивных по НД хозяйствах
Цвятко Александров
DVM, PhD, международный консультант ФАО

Lessons learnt from LSD in Israel
Nadav Galon
FAO International consultant

Извлеченные уроки по ЗУД в Израиле
Надав Галон (Nadav Galon)
Международный консультант ФАО

Vaccines and vaccination against LSD
Tsviatko Alexandrov
DVM, PhD, FAO International consultant

Вакцины и вакцинация против НД
Цвятко Александров 
DVM, PhD, международный консультант ФАО

Biosecurity and control measures
Nadav Galon
FAO International consultant

Биобезопасность и меры контроля
Надав Галон
Международный консультант ФАО

Skin biopsy kit

Presenting the project and the training
Daniel Beltran-Alcrudo
Animal Health Officer, FAO

Представление проекта и обучения
Daniel Beltran-Alcrudo
Animal Health Officer, FAO