FAO and EU Partnership

Title Appui à la mise en oeuvre du recensement général de l`agriculture et de l`élevage au Cameroun - GCP/CMR/041/EC
Abstract L'objectif spécifique du projet est de produire des informations statistiques structurelles fiables, pertinentes et suffisamment désagrégées (régions, département, arrondissement, village, etc.) sur toutes les exploitations agropastorales et leur environnement, de renforcer les capacités opérationnelles et techniques des cadres du Ministère en charge de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural (MINADER/DESA) et du Ministère en charge de l'élevage, des pêches et des industries animales.
Start date 01/07/2018
End date 31/12/2022
Recipient / Target Areas Cameroon
Budget USD 2 414 000
Project Code GCP/CMR/041/EC
Title Sixth PSMA Global Capacity Development Programme Support Project - GCP/GLO/1200/EC
Abstract Implementation of the Port State Measures Agreement and complementary instruments and tools to fight illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing strengthened.
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 31/12/2024
Budget USD 1 647 750
Project Code GCP/GLO/1200/EC
Title Enhanced data collection and monitoring for sustainable spiny lobster fisheries in the WECAFC region - GCP/SLC/225/EC
Abstract To facilitate the strategic implementation of the MARPLESCA Plan through actions to reinforce knowledge on the exploitation of the resource along three main axis: (i) standard characterization and quantification of IUU components, (ii) alignment of national conservation and management measures with MARPLESCA plans and to a proposed list of additional conservation and management measures for CSL in the WECAFC region.
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 31/12/2026
Recipient / Target Areas Jamaica, Nicaragua, Saint Kitts and Nevis
Budget USD 275 600
Project Code GCP/SLC/225/EC
Title Vulnerable food insecure rural communities affected by widespread flooding are protected against hunger, malnutrition, and destitution - OSRO/PAK/211/EC
Abstract Emergency response to support livestock owners in floods-affected districts of Balochistan and Sindh provinces.
Start date 01/10/2022
End date 31/12/2023
Recipient / Target Areas Pakistan
Budget USD 3 009 027
Project Code OSRO/PAK/211/EC
Title Supporting a Blue Transformation: Implementation of the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture and Empowerment of Small-scale Fisheries Actors - GCP/GLO/1225/EC
Abstract Strengthened implementation of Blue Transformation with particular focus on enabling conditions in aquaculture and small scale fisheries.
Start date 01/04/2024
End date 31/03/2026
Budget USD 1 080 800
Project Code GCP/GLO/1225/EC
Title Sustainable Wood-Based Value Chains in Uganda - GCP/UGA/072/EC
Abstract To enhance inclusive investments in sustainable wood-based value chains.
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 31/05/2029
Recipient / Target Areas Uganda
Budget USD 16 429 358
Project Code GCP/UGA/072/EC
Title Support to the IOTC Scientific and Compliance Committees programs of work - GCP/INT/1024/EC
Abstract Improve scientific information, advice, data and procedures for the management of tuna, tuna-like and bycatch species caught in IOTC fisheries.
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 31/12/2024
Budget USD 797 646
Project Code GCP/INT/1024/EC
Title FAO GLOBEFISH - EC component - GCP/GLO/1193/EC
Abstract Improved fishery and aquaculture practices, increased transparency of trade-related information and strengthened coordination within the global seafood market.
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 31/12/2025
Budget USD 62 729
Project Code GCP/GLO/1193/EC
Title Strengthening the Resilience of Rural Communities in South Sudan - OSRO/SSD/105/EC
Abstract To improve food security and nutrition governance and crises preparedness through evidence-based policymaking, early warning, strengthened institutional capacity, and orientation of strategic investments for food systems resilience.
Start date 01/08/2021
End date 31/07/2023
Recipient / Target Areas South Sudan
Budget USD 4 854 368
Project Code OSRO/SSD/105/EC
Title Building Resilience of Agriculture and Food Systems and Better Nutrition to the context of the global pandemic - GCP/URT/152/EC
Abstract To reduce the magnitude of shock of detrimental effects of the COVID 19 pandemic on Agriculture, food systems and nutrition in Tanzania.
Start date 01/11/2021
End date 31/08/2024
Recipient / Target Areas United Republic of Tanzania
Budget USD 2 260 000
Donor European Union
Project Code GCP/URT/152/EC