Asociación FAO y UE

Título Support to Agri-food Investment Decision-Making - GCP/GLO/1090/EC AGRINTEL - Phase II
Extracto In the context of their Strategic partnership and dialogue, FAO and the EU have decided to expand their collaboration in the area of investment support to enable sustainable private investment in agrifood systems.
Fecha de inicio 01/10/2023
Fecha de finalización 30/09/2027
Presupuesto USD 5 152 089
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/1090/EC AGRINTEL - Phase II
Título Sustainable Agri-food Systems Intelligence (SASI) - GCP/GLO/1118/EC
Extracto Consolidating results of agri-food system assessments, methodology and tools, developing crosscutting analyses and approaches and reinforcing multi-stakeholder collaboration for transitioning to sustainable agri-food systems.
Fecha de inicio 01/01/2023
Fecha de finalización 30/11/2027
Presupuesto USD 10 341 262
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/1118/EC
Título Realising Dynamic value Networks for underutilised crops (RADIANT) - GCP/GLO/583/EC
Extracto Realising Dynamic value Networks for underutilised crops.
Fecha de inicio 01/09/2021
Fecha de finalización 31/08/2025
Presupuesto USD 107 399
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/583/EC
Título Greening the Humanitarian Response in Displacement Settings: Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Forest Management for Enhanced Energy Access and Livelihood Resilience - OSRO/GLO/1127/EC
Extracto "The specific objectives of the project are to: 1) Increase capacity of displaced and host communities and local authorities in sustainable management of forests and woodlands. 2) Enhance access to sustainable and clean cooking energy and to associated efficient technologies for displaced and host communities. 3) Increase access to livelihood opportunities through sustainable forest-based value chains."
Fecha de inicio 01/03/2023
Fecha de finalización 28/02/2025
Presupuesto USD 1 291 711
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto OSRO/GLO/1127/EC
Título Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership Programme - Global Network (GNAFC) - GCP/GLO/957/EC
Extracto The overall impact of the programme will be "to enhance resilience to food crises".
Fecha de inicio 28/07/2018
Fecha de finalización 27/12/2022
Presupuesto USD 1 034 058
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/957/EC
Título Follow-up action to the 35th FAO Committee on Fisheries - GCP/GLO/1111/EC
Extracto To achieve progress towards the improved implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) and related instruments and tools for sustainable fisheries.
Fecha de inicio 01/02/2023
Fecha de finalización 31/01/2025
Presupuesto USD 932 940
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/1111/EC
Título Improving global forest management through improved global forest information - GCP/GLO/665/EC
Extracto Provide comprehensive, timely and high quality data for well-informed and better decision-making related to forests and forestry.
Fecha de inicio 23/12/2015
Fecha de finalización 22/12/2022
Presupuesto USD 6 043 990
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/665/EC
Título IOMC Toolbox for decision making in chemicals management - Phase IV - UNJP/GLO/1123/EC
Extracto To improve the sound management of chemicals and hazardous (chemical) waste in countries worldwide.
Fecha de inicio 01/01/2023
Fecha de finalización 31/12/2025
Presupuesto USD 300 535
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto UNJP/GLO/1123/EC
Título Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A Global Health Approach (SPRINT) - Horizon 2020 - GCP/GLO/082/EC
Extracto Development of a global health approach integrating the impacts of pesticides on human, animal and environmental health across a range of landscapes, crops and contrasting farming systems.
Fecha de inicio 01/09/2020
Fecha de finalización 31/08/2025
Presupuesto USD 293 710
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/082/EC
Título Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Agriculture - GCP/SRB/006/EC
Extracto To improve national and local level capacities for disaster risk reduction and climate resilient agriculture in the Republic of Serbia. The overall aim is to address current gaps identified in the disaster risk resilience sector, namely limited technical capacities and lack of cooperation between different stakeholders and is to mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRR/M) and Climate Smart Agriculture.
Fecha de inicio 01/03/2021
Fecha de finalización 28/02/2025
Destinatarios / Áreas objetivo Serbia
Presupuesto USD 3 033 980
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/SRB/006/EC