Asociación FAO y UE

Título INCREASE: Intelligent Collections of Food-Legume Genetic Resources for European Agrofood Systems - GCP/GLO/068/EC
Extracto The project will enhance the status of the GenRes of four important food legumes that have significant option value for EU agriculture (chickpea, common bean, lentil, lupin), and promote their conservation and use in Europe.
Fecha de inicio 02/05/2020
Fecha de finalización 30/04/2026
Presupuesto USD 42 475
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/068/EC
Título Lake Tanganyika Fisheries Management - Gestion de la pêche dans le Lac Tanganyika (LATAFIMA) - GCP/RAF/521/EC
Extracto The project aims at improving the management of the lake from regional to grassroots level, while solving some major issues pertaining to the current overexploitation of its most valuable resources. The overall objective of the project is to enhance equitable economic growth by promoting sustainable fisheries in Lake Tanganyika.
Fecha de inicio 01/03/2020
Fecha de finalización 31/05/2024
Presupuesto USD 2 197 801
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/RAF/521/EC
Título Intra-ACP Blue Growth program for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains Productivity and Competitiveness (FISH4ACP) - GCP/GLO/028/EC
Extracto The overall objective of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction, jobs creation, food and nutrition security by improving the economic, social and environmental sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture value chains in ACP countries.
Fecha de inicio 01/03/2020
Fecha de finalización 28/02/2026
Presupuesto USD 47 821 907
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/028/EC
Título Re-Connecting the world: The GFAR Partnership transforming agri-food research and innovation for development impact - GCP/GLO/047/EC
Extracto Strengthen and continue GFAR Partnership transforming agri-food research and innovation.
Fecha de inicio 01/02/2020
Fecha de finalización 28/02/2020
Presupuesto USD 4 868 000
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/GLO/047/EC
Título FFS/APFS Practices and Methodology Dissemination (EU FRESAN Project Result 1.1) - GCP/ANG/063/EC
Extracto Strengthening the extension advisory system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest through the Agrarian Development Institute (IDA) with the implementation of FFS and by supporting the climate resilience strategy of the Ministry of Environment.
Fecha de inicio 03/01/2020
Fecha de finalización 03/12/2024
Destinatarios / Áreas objetivo Angola
Presupuesto USD 6 108 299
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/ANG/063/EC
Título Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (STREIT PNG) - UNJP/PNG/010/EC
Extracto The general objective of the Programme is to increase sustainable and inclusive economic development of rural areas.
Fecha de inicio 01/01/2020
Fecha de finalización 31/05/2024
Destinatarios / Áreas objetivo Papua New Guinea
Presupuesto USD 54 024 570
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto UNJP/PNG/010/EC
Título FAO AgrInvest initiative in support to the Uganda Development Bank (UDB) - GCP/UGA/058/EC
Extracto The project aims to increase private investments in the agriculture and agribusiness sectors of Uganda through an enhanced capacity of the Uganda Development Bank (UDB) and public-private policy dialogue. This support will aim at (i) de-risking UDB agricultural lending, enhancing UDB portfolio in terms of quality and scope and making some of UDB operations and processes more efficient and, (iv) enhance the policy environment.
Fecha de inicio 01/01/2020
Fecha de finalización 31/12/2023
Destinatarios / Áreas objetivo Uganda
Presupuesto USD 2 443 336
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/UGA/058/EC
Título Stepping up the engagement of the Global Network Against Food Crises - UNJP/GLO/058/EC
Extracto The overall impact of the programme will be "to enhance resilience to food crises".
Fecha de inicio 01/01/2020
Fecha de finalización 31/12/2025
Presupuesto USD 17 274 092
Donante Europa Island
Código de proyecto UNJP/GLO/058/EC
Título Linking Extension and Research to Farmers for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition - GCP/LIR/027/EC
Extracto To strengthen and enhance research and extension services for increased income and agricultural productivity.
Fecha de inicio 01/12/2019
Fecha de finalización 30/06/2023
Destinatarios / Áreas objetivo Liberia
Presupuesto USD 2 186 999
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/LIR/027/EC
Título Building Resilience of Syrians under Temporary Protection and Host Communities in Turkey through Supporting Socio-Economic Integration and Creating Livelihood Opportunities (COVID-19) - OSRO/TUR/901/EC
Extracto The Project aims to strengthen the resilience and socio-economic integration of SuTP and vulnerable host communities of Turkey through support to agricultural livelihoods and access to employment in the agri-food sector.
Fecha de inicio 01/11/2019
Fecha de finalización 31/07/2024
Destinatarios / Áreas objetivo Türkiye
Presupuesto USD 11 278 103
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto OSRO/TUR/901/EC