Evaluation at FAO

Completed evaluations

Evaluations in FAO assess projects, programmes and strategies to generate and provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful for decision-making processes. 

This is an evaluation of FAO’s programme in South Sudan between December 2013 and December 2015. This is predominantly a learning-oriented evaluation, looking back at FAO’s work in the last two years in order to provide guidance for the future strategic direction of the programme. It also fulfils an accountability function.


This evaluation assessed the European Union funded Food Security Information System project in Kyrgyzstan. Using a variety of data collection and analysis methods, it puts forward recommendations to improve sustainability of the existing system and inform the development of future projects.


This mid-term evaluation examined activities of the Forest and Farm Facility programme in the 10 focus countries: Bolivia, Gambia, Guatemala, Kenya, Liberia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Vietnam and Zambia.


This evaluation assessed the results and strategic relevance of FAO Tanzania Country Programme for the period 2014–2016 with particular focus on the ten main clusters of the work undertaken. It found to be of high quality and relevance the support to national climate smart agriculture, particularly the development of the...


This evaluation assessed the extent to which the project has contributed to strengthening the socioeconomic status of returnee families and families displaced as result of the socio-political conflict in Colombia in the context of land restitution.


This evaluation analysed FAO’s assistance to the Government of South Africa, specifically the Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries in developing the capacity of staff at the national and provincial levels, as well as improving outcomes for smallholder farmers through integrated support.


This evaluation assessed the extent to which the project contributed to improved management of and awareness about obsolete pesticides, including Endosulfan, and contaminated sites and materials in the Republic of Benin. It found that the project strategy and resources were adequate and well adapted to the country context and have...


This evaluation assessed the catalytic role of the Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction programme and its overall contribution to enhanced, coordinated and informed food security and nutrition governance at the global, regional and national levels.


This evaluation assessed the entire FAO response in Central African Republic since the L3 was declared, particularly with regard to Strategic Objective 5: Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises. It found that since the L3 response was declared in the country in December 2013, FAO’s response has...


This evaluation analysed the relevance and progress in building resilience in the first two years by the FAO Somalia resilience sub-programme. It found that agricultural support activities in the areas visited were appreciated, appeared to contribute to enhanced agricultural production, and were of benefit to a large number of women....