Family Farming Knowledge Platform

FFKP Network

The FFKP Network helps connect key players from the same country or region, encouraging them to explore areas of common interest that may serve as a basis to establish partnerships and collaborations among its members.

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INADES Formation Côte d'Ivoire

Non-governmental organization
Lutter contre la pauvreté des femmes et des jeunes dans les zones rurales. Développer l'esprit de gestion du bien commun. Revaloriser les cultures de souveraineté e.n voie de disparition. Développer l'agriculture familiale.
Côte d'Ivoire

Fondation pour le Developpement et Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Fizi-Baraka

Development Agency
La Fondation pour le Developpement et Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Fizi-Baraka est une organisation non-gouvernement fondée en juin 2024 pour soutenir le développement socio-économique et des infrastructures de base du territoire de Fizi et de la Ville de Baraka. Pour atteindre son objet, La Fondation DAL poursuit les objectifs suivants...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Eastern and Southern Africa Small-Scale Farmers Forum

Non-governmental organization
The Eastern and Southern Africa Small-Scale Farmers Forum (ESAFF) is a regional network of grassroots organizations representing small-scale farmers across 16 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). Founded to empower farmers to speak as a united voice, ESAFF advocates for policies and practices that prioritize farmers' issues, concerns, and...
United Republic of Tanzania

Carib.Farm Inc

A social impact enterprise, our objective is to create positive impact in the farming communities we serve. Our goal is to improve food security, production, and Farmer livelihoods. We achieve this by supporting small-scale farmers' capacity through sharing climate-smart farming practices. We empower farmers with easy-to-access critical agricultural knowledge and...

TIWAEA AFRICA, Kaduna State Chapter

Non-governmental organization
Our latest project focuses on empowering school children, from primary to secondary levels, by building a sustainable and effective STEM education curriculum tailored towards agriculture with focus on vegetables, biofortified crops, nutrition sensitive agriculture. This curriculum development will bring together agricultural experts, Subject Matter Experts, stakeholders, teachers, pupils, schools. It will...

Ecological Life Organization

Non-governmental organization
Ekoder is founded in 2002 .In 22 years ,Ekoder leaded below projects, have written books and built or participated below activities. Ekoder has voluntarily working 43 active members which 24 of them are women. Projects: • Nilüfer and Doğancı Dams Conservation Basin Project (2002-2003) • Çatalca Eco-Basin Project (2003-2004) • Mezitler...

The Haller Foundation

Non-governmental organization
Haller provides a model for economic development that is both sustainable and environmentally sound, putting into practice the principles of Dr Rene Haller, a UNEP Global Laureate renowned for his work in transforming degraded industrial landscapes through environmental regeneration. Our programmes breathe life into the land and revive local economies,...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Coopérative Sabango ti Kodro COOP-CA-MSK

La coopérative maraîcher SABANGO ti kodro a été créer suite au constat des membres , ils se sont rendus compte dans une exploitation pour permettre d'accéder à une assurance de production et a des outils de production a des prix avantageux. L'objectif : Développement des fichiers maraîcher. La production...
Central African Republic

The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

Non-governmental organization
At the Alliance, we strive to make food and agriculture systems more sustainable, efficient and inclusive, through sustainably funded science, research-based solutions and inclusive knowledge generation. Our Strategy 2020-2025 sets out how we work and accelerate impact towards tackling four interconnected global crises: biodiversity, climate, environment and nutrition. Through our work...

University of Vermont Institute for Agroecology

The UVM Institute for Agroecology (IfA) aims to work towards more equitable and sustainable food systems through transformative agroecology. The Institute uses a systems approach that addresses the root causes of problems in the food system. We challenge the status quo by centering equity, participation and social transformation in our...
United States of America

Oregon State University Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems

Advancing sustainable agriculture, community food systems, and economic progress for Oregon's farmers and ranchers and providing a leading-edge experience for students.
United States of America

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Development Agency
As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. We have over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and...

Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy

Non-governmental organization
The Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy (CRISP) is a non- profit research organization established in March 2004 to promote research in the area of innovation policy in relation to agriculture and rural development. The founding members of CRISP have been in the forefront of research on innovation...

Magister en Agroecología de la Universidad de Chile

El Programa de Magíster en Agroecología, impartido por la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas de la Universidad de Chile, en colaboración con académicos de otras facultades, de tiene como objetivo formar graduados(as), con competencia para diseñar sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles que permitan la producción de alimentos saludables, que conserven biodiversidad, y en...

African Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods

Non-governmental organization
We focus on creating innovative and sustainable livelihoods solutions through access to basic relevant life skills and agricultural trainings that add values and dignity to lives of young and active unemployed , the needy and vulnerable persons.

Soroti Catholic Diocese Integrated Development Organization

Non-governmental organization
The Soroti Catholic Diocese Integrated Development Organization (SOCADIDO) is a faith-based organization established in 1981 with a mission to empower vulnerable households in the Teso sub-region through integrated development services. As a sister organization of the Uganda Association of Caritas and a member of Caritas Internationalis, SOCADIDO, also known as...

Kyangwali passion fruit growers and fish farmers

Community supported Agriculture CSA
The organisation deals in growing local passion friuts and fish farming in western uganda , hoima district it provides training to people living with disability, child mothers and youth. it provides seedlings to local trained youth for the start. it trains value addition it uses current local technology in growing passion fruits and...

Universidad Autónoma Indígena Intercultural

Perteneciente al Programa de formación Profesional en revitalización de la Madre Tierra, el cual tiene como propósito vitalizar estrategias pedagógicas y técnicos para el manejo, cuidado y protección de los espacios de vida (familiares y comunitarios) fortaleciendo las sabidurías ancestrales y conocimientos amigables con la Madre Tierra.


EncontrAR es una plataforma web que busca conectar la oferta y la demanda de conocimiento sobre la agricultura familiar andina en un contexto de cambio climático. La plataforma cuenta con más de 300 experiencias y más de 40 buenas prácticas documentadas sobre la agricultura familiar andina de Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador...

Le Puzzle

Non-governmental organization
Nous sommes une ONG qui travaille dans la solidarité internationale et le développement tous azimuts. Nous accompagnons, mettons et relation et promouvons les actions dans divers domaines notamment l'agriculture.
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