Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

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Type d'organisation

Association des Volontaires pour l'Environnement Sain

Non-governmental organization
The NGO A.V.E.S supports grassroots communities in their self-help initiatives through education, information and communication. The aim is to raise awareness, train and sensitise local people so that they can take ownership of development projects for the environment management, economic and social well-being of all sections of society. Therefore NGO...

Dulcet Association

Civil society
We do training in sustainable and regenerative agriculture in our community especially youths and women. We assist them to improve yields in climate friendly ways

Australian National University; Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions

We connect people with climate, energy & disaster-risk research from The Australian National University. Our goal is to advance innovative solutions to address climate change, energy system transitions and disasters. We have programs focused on climate resilient food systems for smallholder and family livelihood benefit.

Agroecology Map

Civil society
Agroecology Map Knowledge and Practices is a Free (Open) Platform for Mapping Initiatives in Agroecology, Permaculture and Agroforestry Systems. Through the exchange of knowledge and practices, the open-sourced technological platform brings people from the countryside or in the city together to strengthen or and create new, collaborative networks that enhance...

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development

International Organization
The Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region stretches 3,500km across Asia, spanning eight countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. Encompassing high-altitude mountain ranges, mid-hills, and plains, the zone is vital for the food, water, and energy security of up to two billion people and is a...

Fundación Centro de Innovación Tecnológica y Cooperación Internacional

Non-governmental organization
El Centro de Innovación Tecnológica y Cooperación Internacional (Funda-CEDITEC) tiene como objetivo desarrollar planes, programas y proyectos para la promoción y uso del conocimiento, la ciencia, la tecnología, la innovación y la cooperación internacional, como claves facilitadoras hacia una transformación más próspera, inclusiva, resiliente y ambientalmente sostenible de la sociedad...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Secretariado nacional de pastoral social / Caritas Colombiana

Non-governmental organization
SNPS/CC es un organismo eclesial, sin ánimo de lucro, dependiente de la Conferencia Episcopal de Colombia (CEC) que busca la verdad, la reconciliación, la justicia y la caridad en las relaciones y estructuras básicas de nuestra sociedad. Nuestro actuar y trabajo siempre son iluminados por el Evangelio y la doctrina de...


Non-governmental organization
We are presently involved in working with community-based organizations working with indigenous community and develop learning material and participatory learning processes for effective adult learning and actions.

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir

KUAST-kashmir is an agricultural university having six faculties: Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, College of Agricultural Engineering, College of Temperate Agriculture.

Agroecology Map

Civil society
Agroecology Map Knowledge and Practices is a Free (Open) Platform for Mapping Initiatives in Agroecology, Permaculture and Agroforestry Systems. Through the exchange of knowledge and practices, the open-sourced technological platform brings people from the countryside or in the city together to strengthen or and create new, collaborative networks that enhance...

Youth Effort For Sustainable Rural Development

Non-governmental organization
Youth led Non-profit organisation that builds the capacity of smallholder farmers, farmer groups and primary cooperatives through promotion of appropriate technologies and dissemination of information on sustainable development. Our thematic areas include; 1. Agriculture 2. Environment 3. Education and health 4. Livelihood and institutional support.


Non-governmental organization
REVOLVE is a communication agency offering strategic communication and creative content solutions for sustainability projects.


Farmers' organization
Provide farming books for farmers
Papua New Guinea

Cooperative company for innovation in Agricultural Word of Agboville

SOCIMAA (registration number: CI-AGB-2022-C-13) is a Cooperative company focuses on Innovation in the Agricultural World of Agboville for the well-being of the farmers and customers. The cooperative has 600 family members (including women and men). At SOCIMAA, we produce and make available various quality agricultural products, respectful of human value, including...
Côte d'Ivoire

Foundation for Organic Agriculture Tanzania

Non-governmental organization
FOATZ provides knowledge and services to small farmers, especially marginalized farmers who have inadequate knowledge of ecological organic farming techniques, market skills of natural/organic products, and sustainable livelihoods. Currently, we have three ongoing projects; Organic Demo Plots at Our Head Office, Organic Farmers Groups, and Organic School Garden.
United Republic of Tanzania

Mollesnejta - Instituto de Agroforestería Andina

Research center
El instituto de investigación agroforestal MOLLESNEJTA, en el corazón de Bolivia, fue fundado por la Dra. Noemi Stadler Kaulich y es un proyecto faro a escala mundial. Demuestra métodos de cultivo sostenibles que pretenden inspirar a los agricultores y permitirles cultivar con éxito bajo condiciones muy difíciles como suelos secos...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Organización Integracionista del Cacao

Non-governmental organization
Organización dedicada a la asesoría de proyectos del agronegocio, especializado en cacao, enmarcados en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Desarrollamos planes, programas de producción agroalimentario, gracias a nuestros profesionales que cuentan con más de 16 años en el sector del cultivo de cacao. Promovemos la reforestación a través del sistema agroforestal...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones Ganaderas

Civil society
Organización gremial ganadera con presencia en todo el país. Compuesta por más de 800 mil ganaderos en todo el país, 2036 Asociaciones Ganaderas Locales, 48 Uniones Ganaderas Regionales, 48 Asociaciones de Ganado de Registro y 6 Uniones Ganaderas Regionales de Porcicultores.

Coopérative Bouganté de Wompou

L'organisation est une coopérative familliale composée de 60 membres dont 10 hommes et 50 femmes. Elle a pour activités principales l'agriculture, l'élevage, la agroforesterie, aquaculture entre autres. Elle dispose de 200 ha dont 50 ha au bord du fleuve Sénégal mais le site d'exploitation n'excède pas plus de 10 hectares...

Vi Agroforestry (Vi-skogen)

Non-governmental organization
Vi Agroforestry is a Swedish development organisation fighting poverty and climate change together. What started as a tree planting initiative in 1983, is today an agroforestry expert organisation working through local partnerships to run holistic agricultural development projects in East Africa and beyond. Vi Agroforestry supports smallholder farmer families with...
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