Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Réseau de la PCAF

Le réseau de la PCAF met en relation des acteurs clés d’un même pays ou d’une même région et encourage ceux-ci à explorer des domaines d’intérêt commun susceptibles de servir de base à des partenariats ou à des collaborations.

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En rejoignant le réseau FFKP, les membres pourront bénéficier d’une meilleure visibilité pour leur organisation, association ou coopérative, grâce à la plateforme de connaissances sur l’agriculture familiale. Les parties intéressées qui souhaitent devenir membres du réseau FFKP sont invités à fournir les informations demandées dans ce formulaire.

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Type d'organisation

Association Interprofessionnelle du Coton

Association des familles professionnelles de la filière coton au Bénin composée de la familles des producteurs et de la familles des égreneurs et fournisseurs d'intrants agricoles.

Fountainhead Institute of Management and Technology

Fountainhead Institute of Management and Technology (FIMAT) is a tertiary institution based in Lira, Northern Uganda. It was established in 2006, and formally licensed by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) in 2012, vide License No. TI.PL 0053, and was classified in 2018. Its mission is: “To provide quality...

Agbenoxevi Farms

Agbenoxevi Farms is a Social Enterprise. We produce and supply poultry for meat and table eggs in a rural community in Ghana. We are currently building our capacity so that we can involve the rural youth in sustainable poultry farming by brooding chicks and distributing to them so that they...

Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda)

Non-governmental organization
The Environmental Conservation & Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda) is a registered Community Member Based None Governmental Organisation established 2007 and legally registered with the Government of Uganda. It is registered with the Uganda registrar of Companies as a Company Limited by Guarantee with no share capital (Registration number 115111)...

White Gold Initiatives

Non-governmental organization
White Gold Initiative (WIG) is a Nigerian based non-governmental organization focused on farming and rural development. The platform serves as hub for female farmers in particular by organizing them into clusters based on their cropping segments where they can have easy access to information, training and other technical support.

Corporación Tepiapa

Non-governmental organization
Somos una corporación sin animo de lucro, pretendemos establecer un estilo de vida que conserve, sostenga y continúe los sentidos de vida humana de nuestro contexto colombiano, por medio de la acción humanitaria, la investigación y la implementación técnica y tecnológica. Para promover grupos humanos, más justos, sostenibles y solidarios...

Africa Farmers Media Centre

Non-governmental organization
Africa Farmers Media Centre (AFMC) aims at developing smallholder farmers access to agriculture technologies, climate information services, agriculture inputs and agronomic practices through media as vehicle of development. AFMC for the last 15 years has conducted communication for development in farming communities through the Village Communication and Learning Centre (VCLCs)...

Women against poverty

Community supported Agriculture CSA
Women against poverty (WAP) is a non-government organization (charity organization) in Tanzania, established by Ms.Mary Gemela and Cresensia Shirima and become operational operational in 2012.It was established to improve social – economic conditions of girls and women who live in vulnerable conditions. Our vision is an agroforestry transformation in the developing...
United Republic of Tanzania

Asociación de Mujeres Rurales de Uruguay

Non-governmental organization
La Asociación de Mujeres Rurales del Uruguay (AMRU) nació en 1994. Un grupo de mujeres preocupadas por la crisis decidieron fundar una asociación que contribuyera al bienestar de la mujer rural y sus familias. La reunión fundacional fue el 23 de setiembre de ese año en Paso de los Toros,...

Solidaridad Network

Civil society
In the past 50 years, the work of Solidaridad has closely followed the socio-economic developments in the field of international cooperation. And more often than once, the organization has also stood at the cradle of innovation in promoting and fostering sustainable economic development.
South Africa

Mwapala Farm Ltd

We have a farm in Kwale which grows herbs, spices and fruits

Fair River International Association for Development

Fair River International Association Development is a farmer focused organization that support production of commodities in rural areas through the provision of technical trainings, agricultural advisory services, and farmer-base association support

Wêndbenedo Femmes et Enfants En difficultés

Non-governmental organization
Appui aux femmes, aux enfants en ville et milieux rural pour un développement durable dans divers champs d'action cité ci-dessous.
Burkina Faso

Cameroon Vision Trust

Civil society
The Cameroon Vision (CAMVISION) Trust is a scientific, technical and awareness building Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that contributes to local, national and international efforts to combat the escalating global environmental and water crisis. We undertake research and promote information and knowledge to increase the understanding and stimulate actions on world water...

Association des jeunes entrepreneurs agronomes des hauts bassins

Non-governmental organization
L’Association des Jeunes Entrepreneurs Agronomes des Hauts-Bassins (AJEA/HB) est apolitique, laïc, bénévole, et à but non lucratif. Elle ne fait aucune discrimination de race, d’ethnie, de croyance, d’appartenance politique, de sexe, d’âge de statut sérologique, d’orientation sexuelle et de cas d’invalidité dans l’admission de ses membres ; les prestations de...
Burkina Faso

Kobeli Enterprises

Farmers' organization
A family farm based on the outskirts of Nairobi on a 3 acre plot. We are growing a variety of vegetables and fruit trees. We started in 2019 and we are still learning the best practices. Currently we sell to local market.

MT Atlas Horticulture Initiative Organization LTD (MAHIO)

Farmers' organization
MT. Atlas horticulture Innitiative Organisation Ltd was started in 2017, in Kamuli district with the aim of empowering the women and youth (18-35years) by actively involving them in maize, soya bean, amaranths and cassava and honey production and supply. Mt. Atlas Horticultural Initiative Organization (MAHIO) is also an active...

Réseau de Développement d'Agriculture Durable (REDAD)

Non-governmental organization
Promotion de filières agricoles Recherche & Action pour le développement Plaidoyer et lobbying Formation Information Intermédiation commerciale

AgriBio Services

Non-governmental organization
Formation Information. Communication Soutient à l'innovation locale
Total results:848