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Тип организации

M/S Shah Traders

Farmers' organization
Farming to meet the Food & Nutrition, Fruits, Vegetables & Seed procure, Trading, Export & Import

Social Initiative For Development Foundation

Non-governmental organization
SID Foundation is an non-government organisation. It aims to promote social justice and sustainable development. Women economic empowerment is one of priority area of its activities. It also works for farmer's rights and promote agroecology and climate resilient sustainable agriculture. Women farmers and producers access to market and value...

Rural Reconstruction Foundation

Non-governmental organization
Rural Reconstruction Foundation is a Voluntary Development Organisation established in 1982, aiming at socio-economic emancipation of the underprivileged/marginalized part of the society, especially the marginalized farmers of the rural areas in Bangladesh. Currently the are more than 28 ongoing projects/programmes among which: (1) Education; (2) Awareness Creation; (3) Training;...

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Bangladesh National Office

International Organization
The priority areas of FAO in Bangladesh have been agreed as follows: reduce poverty and enhance food security and nutrition; enhance agricultural productivity through diversification/intensification, sustainable management of natural resources, use of quality inputs and mechanization; improve market linkages, value addition, and quality and safety of the food system; further...

Bangladesh Agricultural Farm Labour Federation

Farmers' organization
The Bangladesh Agricultural Farm Labour Federation (BAFLF) is a farmers' organization in Bangladesh. Agricultural workers constitute the largest sector of the population of Bangladesh, and in order to face the undue and unjust situations of agriculture and allied rural workers, the task of organizing agriculture workers was started in the year...

Solidarites International

International Organization
Introduction of new innovative farming systems and technologies, establishing demonstration sites for use as farmers field schools

Department of Agricultural Extension

DAE is a government organization. It works to dissiminate modern agricultural technology among the farmers.
Total results:7