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يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

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المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

Prácticas sostenibles para el manejo del algodón de la agricultura familiar en el Ecuador

La agricultura sostenible tiene como objetivo reducir el impacto sobre el medio ambiente, ser justa y social y económicamente viable para las familias campesinas. A su vez, el algodón sostenible busca una producción con las mejores prácticas desde una perspectiva ambiental, con uso eficiente del agua, fertilizantes, pesticidas, reducción de...
Brazil - Ecuador
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

مقال صحفي
A intergeracionalidade impulsiona a transformação nos sistemas agroalimentares: reflexões do “World Food Forum”

O World Food Forum 2023, com o tema A transformação dos sistemas agroalimentares acelera a ação climática, reuniu 6 mil participantes presenciais e mais de 20 mil on-line. A presença de mais de 1.500 crianças ao longo da semana enriqueceu ainda mais o evento. Com mais de 400 eventos, incluindo atividades paralelas e...
2024 - Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Desertos e pântanos alimentares na mira da Política Nacional de Abastecimento Alimentar

São considerados desertos alimentares lugares onde o acesso a alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados é difícil ou impossível. A Política Nacional de Abastecimento Alimentar (PNAAB) lançada por meio de um decreto do presidente Lula (PT), em dezembro, traz também o conceito de pântanos alimentares, locais onde predominam estabelecimentos que comercializam alimentos não saudáveis,...
2024 - Brasil de Fato

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Com apoio do Brasil, países da América Latina e do Caribe aprovam novo plano de combate à fome

Região passa a contar com um plano unificado de segurança alimentar, que poderá servir de base para a criação da Aliança Global Contra a Pobreza e a Fome, no âmbito do G20
Os países latino-americanos e caribenhos definiram nesta terça-feira (16.01), em Santiago, na reunião da Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos (CELAC), que congrega 33 nações, um plano de segurança alimentar que estabelece como meta a erradicação da fome até 2030. O Plano CELAC de Segurança Alimentar, Nutrição e Erradicação da...
2024 - Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos (CELAC)

Cocoa agroforestry in Brazil through a public-private partnership

Historically, Brazil was a significant cocoa producer, primarily in the Amazon region, but since the 1970s, cocoa production became increasingly replaced by extensive livestock farming. What production remained, was halted by a fungal epidemic, resulting in Brazil becoming a net importer of cocoa beans. Thanks to recent sustainable development programmes...
2024 - Tropenbos International

مقال صحفي
Consistency in climate change impact reports among indigenous peoples and local communities depends on site contexts

Indigenous Peoples and local communities are heavily affected by climatic changes. Investigating local understandings of climate change impacts, and their patterned distribution, is essential to effectively support monitoring and adaptation strategies. In this study, we aimed to understand the consistency in climate change impact reports and factors influencing consistency at...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - China - Fiji - Ghana - Kenya - Senegal - United Republic of Tanzania
2024 - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria

LEY Nº 14.828, DE 20 DE MARZO DE 2024

Esta Ley cual modifica la Ley nº 11.326, de 24 de julio de 2006 (Ley de Agricultura Familiar), para ampliar el alcance de la planificación y ejecución de las acciones de la Política Nacional de Agricultura Familiar y Empresas Familiares Rurales.
2024 - Presidência da República, Casa Civil, Secretaria Especial para Assuntos Jurídicos

Sistema alimentar e da agricultura familiar

Projeto Boa Vista Acolhedora: um modelo de economia circular, regenerativa e inclusiva
O Projeto Boa Vista Acolhedora: um modelo de economia circular, regenerativa e inclusiva busca o fortalecimento da sociedade civil no processo de desenvolvimento equitativo, sustentável e inclusivo na região da Amazônia Legal, em contexto de multiculturalidade e recuperação pós pandemia COVID-19. Atua no fomento e na implementação de novos modelos de negócio baseados...
2024 - Fundación Avina

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Reconciling conservation agriculture and agroforestry for sustainability

Mongabay is publishing a new edition of the book, “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon,” in short installments and in three languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese. In this section, Killeen focuses on land management that seeks to reconcile the technologies of modern agriculture with the worn-out practices of organic farming. It also...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Ecuador - Peru
2024 - Mongabay: News & Inspiration from Nature´s Frontline

ICSF's Brochure on Social Development and Fishing Communities

This brochure contains the challenges and recommendations from the eight countrie’s case studies on ‘Social Development and Sustainable Fisheries’ conducted by ICSF in Antigua and Barbuda, Costa Rica, Ghana, The Philippines, Bangladesh, Brazil, Thailand and India (Kerala/Tamil Nadu and West Bengal). The ICSF’s studies uses the parameters of social development, within...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bangladesh - Brazil - Costa Rica - Ghana - India - Philippines - Thailand
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

SAMUDRA Report No.91, June 2024

The Triannual Journal of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers
The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) has just published the latest issue of SAMUDRA Report, its triannual journal on fisheries, communities and livelehoods. The current edition, SAMUDRA Report No. 91, dated June 2024, is a Special Issue that runs into 110 pages and features a diverse range of...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bangladesh - Brazil - Canada - Chile - China - Costa Rica - France - Ghana - India - Japan - Nicaragua - Senegal - Sri Lanka - Uganda - United States of America - Viet Nam
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Fertile Ground

Scaling agroecology from the ground up
There are about 2.5 billion people in the world, on 500 million farms, involved with smallholder family agriculture and food production. Their creative capacity to farm productively and sustainably with nature, instead of against it, is perhaps the most powerful force that can be unleashed to overcome the interlinking challenges...
Brazil - Burkina Faso - Ecuador - Ghana - Haiti - Honduras - Mali - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - United States of America
2023 - Groundswell International

وقائع مؤتمرات
Summary of the Brazil-France researcher/stakeholder seminar around agroecological food policies at the territorial scale

This public policymakers workshop aimed to discuss experiences of territorial policies in Brazil and France and innovative forms of collective action aimed at reconnecting agroecology, food and health. It brought together 15 people in person and 17 online: researchers, members of organizations and networks involved in these themes, public policy...
Brazil - France
2023 - INRAE

مقال صحفي
Co-production of agroecological innovations to improve sustainability in South American fruit farms

Agricultural intensification and expansion are the main drivers of biodiversity loss that continue to increase this century, especially in South America. International markets and global policy provide incentives and frameworks to address this, but these are unlikely to be effective unless farmers on the ground are enabled and motivated to...
Brazil - Chile

موقع إنترنت
Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas

O Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas é uma ferramenta de busca, idealizada pelo Idec (Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor), com o objetivo de estimular a alimentação saudável e sustentável em todo o Brasil e mostrar que os produtos orgânicos e agroecológicos podem ser mais acessíveis aos consumidores. O Mapa visa a...
2023 - Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas

Quem são elas: histórias e relatos sobre mulheres que constroem a agricultura e a pesca capixaba

No universo da agricultura e pesca familiares, diversas atividades são realizadas até que o alimento chegue à mesa do consumidor. Dentro desse conjunto de atividades, as que são realizadas pelas mulheres, que em geral irão exigir menos contato com o consumidor final, são pouco reconhecidas e valorizadas. Na maioria das vezes,...

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Brasil e China fecharão acordo para criar aliança internacional contra fome

Numa iniciativa inédita, os governos do Brasil e da China vão assinar um compromisso de combater a fome e a pobreza extrema, prevendo até mesmo a construção de uma aliança nos organismos multilaterais para colocar o tema na agenda internacional. O acordo será assinado pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), durante sua visita ao...
Brazil - China
2023 - UOL - O melhor conteúdo NOTÍCIAS

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Young people from around the world call for recognition of the role of rural youth in developing sustainable food systems and fighting climate change

An international delegation of rural youth, formed by several members and leaders of the Family Farming Youth Core Group (Family Farming YCG) together with young representatives of COPROFAM and ILC member organisations, met in Brasilia to define their contribution to the implementation of Pillar 2 of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF), related to...
2023 - The World Rural Forum (WRF)

Brazil: A Script for Success

A group of Indigenous Peoples of the Western Brazilian Amazon have organized themselves around biodiversity conservation
The Paumari people of the Tapaua River are known as the ‘water people’. They belong to the Arawa linguistic family of the Western Brazilian Amazon, traditionally inhabiting rivers and lakes. Fishing is their strongest social and cultural representation. The Paumari’s aquatic skills have long been described in the literature, including...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

وثيقة فنية
Historias de cambio: conectando el conocimiento tradicional y las innovaciones para sistemas alimentarios justos y sostenibles

La Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre Agricultura Familiar en colaboración con Barefoot Guide Connection organizó una serie de “talleres de escritura”, para ayudar a los profesionales a escribir sus propias experiencias, generando conocimientos que destaquen las prácticas, cambios, innovaciones e impactos de lo que hacen en apoyo a la agricultura familiar. Estos...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Ecuador - Peru - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Total results:905
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