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Palms of New Guinea

The island of New Guinea is one of the world’s highest diversity areas in terms of its 13,600 vascular plant species. It is also one of the least botanically explored parts of the world, so documentation of the flora is very important. The documentation of palms is as important as...
Indonesia - Papua New Guinea
2024 - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Artículo de blog
Opportunities and challenges for coffee production in Papua New Guinea’s highlands

Coffee is one of the most important smallholder cash crops in Papua New Guinea. It accounted for $156 million of export earnings, 13% of agricultural export revenues, and 1.4% of total export revenues in PNG in 2021. According to the PNG Rural Household Survey 2023, approximately 55% of sampled households in the...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - IFPRI

Artículo de blog
Innovating tradition to protect ancient forests in Papua New Guinea

Supporting an Indigenous Peoples’ community to monitor forests with satellites and tablet
Besta Pulum cannot contain his excitement about the tablet computer he is holding in his hands. “When I was young, I never saw that kind of computer. Now I’m seeing it; I didn’t sleep [from excitement],” says the community chief, who reckons his age at around 60. Like his father before...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - FAO

Hoja informativa

EU Funded UN Joint STREIT PNG Programme’s Monthly Updates, highlighting the main supports and technical assistance provided by this EU Funded UN Joint Programme in promoting sustainable development of agrifood value chains and agribusinesses in the Greater Sepik region, for your kind information.   
Papua New Guinea
2023 - UN, EU

Terminal evaluation of the first cluster of FAO’s Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency projects

The Global Environment Facility’s Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) supports developing countries to build institutional and technical capacities to meet the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) requirements. This final evaluation assessed the first cluster of the FAO CBIT projects – national projects in Cambodia, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea, and the...
Cambodia - Mongolia - Papua New Guinea
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Empowering Rural Women and Youths in Papua New Guinea on Group Leadership & Agri-Business Management

EU-STREIT PNG addresses gender-based violence and its subsequent negative impact on inclusive participation and transformational change in seven remote villages in Sandaun Province. Vanimo, Papua New Guinea – A 5-day intensive training workshop on establishing and organising agri-business groups, with a focus on Group Leadership and Business Management skills, was recently organised...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Farmers in five hard-to-reach communities in Papua New Guinea supported to revitalise their lost cocoa-based livelihoods

Moving forward with its mission to support and empower rural families and communities in the Greater Sepik Region who live on cocoa, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under the EU Funded UN Joint STREIT PNG Programme and in partnership with PNG Cocoa Board and East...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Hoja informativa
EU-Streit PNG's news

Papua New Guinea
2022 - UN Papua New Guinea

Artículo de blog
Success Story | Supporting Young Hallilah Who Led Three Villages into Integrated Farming

The European Union-funded United Nations Joint Programme for Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade and in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG) continues to expand its support to rural areas of the Greater Sepik Region, specifically targeting women and youth in capacity building of agri-food value chain. Here, the programme...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
STREIT Innovation Fund to promote development of local agripreneurship and innovative solutions in Papua New Guinea

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under the EU-STREIT PNG Programme, has launched an Innovation Fund to stimulate investments in Cocoa, Vanilla and Fisheries businesses as well as to promote development of local companies and entrepreneurs in the Greater Sepik Region of Papua New Guinea. The Fund...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Artículo de blog
Partnering with agri-enterprises to support cocoa business in Papua New Guinea in sustainable approach

 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under EU-STREIT PNG Programme, in its mission to increase the production of high-quality cocoa that will improve the agribusiness of rural communities in the Sepik, signed agreements with over 30 registered nurseries and now these enterprises are distributing (CPB) pest-tolerant...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Artículo de blog
Upskilling Papua New Guinean youths to empower rural communities in transport infrastructure works

The EU Funded UN Joint STREIT Programme continues to train more young people from rural Sepik with the skills required for decent employment opportunities in road transport infrastructure development in Papua New Guinea. In its latest step, the Programme organised a 4-day training on ‘Occupational Safety and Health Hazards.’ Delivered...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Artículo de blog
EU Delegation inaugurates a new rural road rehabilitation project to improve accessibility for 2000 plus population in Sepik, Papua New Guinea

The EU Ambassador to PNG launched a new transport infrastructure project in East Sepik which improves access to market, business opportunities, health aids and schools for more than 2000 villagers in a ground-breaking ceremony.  Wewak, Papua New Guinea – His Excellency, Ambassador Jernej Videtič, the Head of the European Union Delegation to...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)

The Programme is focusing on three value chains of cocoa, vanilla and fisheries (aquaculture, riverine and in shore/reef) and aims to achieve an overall objective "To increase sustainable and inclusive economic development of rural areas" through a combination of two integrated outcomes: (1) Increasing the economic returns and opportunities from...
European Union - Papua New Guinea
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Hoja informativa
Data collection Real-time data platform (Fiji, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Tonga)

Effective decision-making requires real-time, integrated, and localized information to facilitate a comprehensive analysis of problems. The challenge for decision-makers is to access advanced and user-friendly data management tools at an affordable price.
Fiji - Palau - Papua New Guinea - Tonga
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Estudio de caso
EU-STREIT Programme in Papua New Guinea

Supporting women to come together into a cohesive female-led group to play an active role in and benefit equally from an increased cocoa production
Leading the European Union-funded Programme for Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) focuses on promoting fair participation of women in all nodes along three targeted value chains of Cocoa, Vanilla and Fisheries under...
Papua New Guinea
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Effects of COVID-19 and other shocks on Papua New Guinea’s food economy: A multi-market simulation analysis

Understanding how the Papua New Guinea (PNG) agricultural economy and associated household consumption is affected by climate, market and other shocks requires attention to linkages and substitution effects across various products and the markets in which they are traded. In this study, we use a multi-market simulation model of the...
Papua New Guinea
2021 - IFPRI

Sheep and Goats in Fiji and Papua New Guinea

A Success Story
Humans domesticated sheep and goat thousands of years before the cow. Initially sheep and goat were the livelihood source mainly for meat, milk and skin and now commercial production is order of the day. Global production of sheep meat is 9 million tons and developing countries are at the top...
Fiji - Papua New Guinea
2021 - Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAAri)

El Censo Agropecuario Nacional 2020-2021 y su deber de aplicar la Consulta Libre, Previa e Informada con pueblos indígenas

El Consentimiento Libre, Previo e Informado (CLPI) es un derecho específico de los Pueblos Indígenas reconocido en la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas (UNDRIP, por sus siglas en inglés). A través del CLPI los Pueblos Indígenas pueden dar o negar su consentimiento a...
Panama - Papua New Guinea - Paraguay
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Exploring inclusive palm oil production

ETFRN news 59
This ETFRN News edition brings together 24 articles and interviews from around the world that reflect on the following questions: How do such actions and their impacts differ between different smallholder types and organizations? How do they differ between countries, regions and corporate contexts? What are the effects of various...
Brazil - Cameroon - Colombia - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Honduras - Indonesia - Nigeria - Papua New Guinea - Peru - Sierra Leone - Solomon Islands - Uganda
2019 - Tropenbos International
Total results:31
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