Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Étude de cas
Diagnostic des systèmes rizicoles et opportunités pour la transition agroécologique au Cambodge

Le projet WAT4CAM a été initié au Cambodge en 2018 afin de développer les réseaux d’irrigation pour la riziculture au Cambodge. La majorité de la production rizicole Cambodgienne dépend aujourd’hui grandement des précipitations et des aléas climatiques et le développement de l’irrigation permettrait d’améliorer la productivité et la profitabilité des...
2020 - Institut Agro - Montpellier SupAgro

Les jeunes et l’agriculture

Principaux enjeux et solutions concrètes
Cette publication offre de nombreux exemples concrets détaillant différentes manières de réengager les jeunes dans le secteur agricole. Elle montre à quel point des programmes éducationnels sur mesure peuvent offrir aux jeunes les compétences et la perspicacité nécessaires pour se lancer en agriculture et adopter des méthodes de production respectueuses...
Bahamas - Bangladesh - Brazil - Burkina Faso - Cambodia - Canada - Colombia - Ethiopia - France - Ghana - Grenada - Kenya - Madagascar - Mexico - Pakistan - Philippines - Republic of Moldova - Rwanda - Togo - Uganda - United States of America - Zambia

Mesures de sécurité recommandées pour les navires de pêche pontés d’une longueur inférieure à 12 mètres et les navires de pêche non pontés

Les présentes mesures de sécurité recommandées ont pour objet de fournir des renseignements sur la conception, la construction et l’équipement des navires de pêche de faibles dimensions, ainsi que la formation et la protection de leurs équipages en vue de promouvoir la sécurité des navires et la sauvegarde et la...
Cambodia - Indonesia - Myanmar - Thailand - Viet Nam
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

L’agroécologie en pratiques

L’agroécologie s’inscrit dans le registre de l’écologie, qui s’intéresse aux interactions - et à leurs conséquences - entre l’homme et son milieu, en tentant de minimiser les effets négatifs de certaines des activités humaines. Elle vise la préservation de l’environnement, le renouvellement durable des ressources naturelles nécessaire à la production...
Angola - Brazil - Cambodia - Congo - Gabon - Haiti - India - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Madagascar - Mauritania - Morocco - Niger - Sao Tome and Principe - Senegal - Sri Lanka
2010 - Agrisud International

The Nexus of Opportunity: Unlocking the potential of social forestry in climate change mitigation in ASEAN through mapping priority investment areas

From the fertile fields of Cambodia to the dense rainforests of Indonesia and Lao PDR, Southeast Asia's agricultural lands and forest resources are of social and ecological significance to the region. Home to over 300 million rural inhabitants, as many as 140 million people rely on forests for their livelihoods, nutrition,...
Cambodia - Indonesia - Lao People's Democratic Republic
2024 - UNEP

Article de revue spécialisée
Centering context when characterizing food environments: the potential of participatory mapping to inform food environment research

Food environments are a critical place within the food system to implement interventions aimed at enabling sustainable diets. In this perspective article, we argue for the need for food environment research to more comprehensively examine the different types of food environments that people access within their communities to ensure that...
2024 - Rutgers School of Public Health

Cultivating inclusive change for women in agriculture

How SCALA is strengthening gender-responsive climate action from local practices to national frameworks
The report underscores the pivotal role of women in agrifood systems globally, often serving as the backbone of employment and livelihoods, particularly in developing nations. Despite increasing recognition in climate plans, women still encounter marginalization and vulnerability in agriculture, facing low-skilled and informal work. Addressing this necessitates integrating gender considerations...
Cambodia - Colombia - Uganda
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach

Over the past two decades, the Mekong region has experienced significant transformation of its agricultural sector from subsistence farming to export crops driven by the expansion of agricultural land and of irrigation, plus intensification thanks to mechanization and the use of chemical inputs. In the context of agrarian transition, maintaining...
2024 - European Commission

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations covers major innovations and research in organic agriculture from 18 countries and areas around the world. This edition showcases the diversity and robustness of the growth of organic agriculture around the world. More than seventy innovators and researchers contribute to this edition which covers themes from climate...
Bangladesh - Bhutan - Cambodia - China - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Japan - Kyrgyzstan - Pakistan - Philippines - Sri Lanka - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Viet Nam
2024 - IFOAM Organics Asia

Article du bulletin d’information
Asia: The gendered economy of dried fish

Being conducted in six countries across South and Southeast Asia, the Dried Fish Matters project is a first-ever exploration of the gendered social economy of dried fish
Dried Fish Matters: Mapping the Social Economy of Dried Fish in South and Southeast Asia for Enhanced Wellbeing and Nutrition, or DFM, is a Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Partnership Grant project. The project spans a duration of eight years: 2018-2026, and involves research in six focus...
Bangladesh - Cambodia - India - Myanmar - Sri Lanka - Thailand
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Article de blog
A conversation about agroecology and biodiversity

Biodiversity is one of the 13 principles underpinning the work of the Agroecology Coalition. On the International Day for Biological Diversity, we speak to Martin Oulu, coordinator of our member organization ISFAA (Kenya), about agroecology, biodiversity, and the challenges that the current food system presents in this respect. In this article...
Cambodia - Kenya
2023 - Agroecology Coalition

Introducing an ecologically-based pest management approach in Cambodia through adaptive learning networks

How can we reach farmers with ecologically-based Integrated Pest Management (IPM) while creating a supportive context for adoption by farmers and relevant stakeholders? We assessed a new method – Adaptive Learning Networks – from reflections of varied stakeholders, farmer diaries and survey data procured in 2016 and 2019. This method...

Étude de cas
Contract-Based Agriculture Production

A Case Study of Organic Rice Production in Cambodia
Objectives of the Study General Objective. The case study aims to contribute to the enhancement of the exchange of knowledge and best practices on family farming and agroecology relevant initiatives and institutional context and contribute to the implementation of the Programme Priority Areas (PPA) BP1: Innovation for sustainable agriculture production...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods - Cambodia

The National Gender Profile of Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Cambodia provides findings of an assessment of men’s and women’s roles, gender division of labour and gender gaps, including women’s needs and constraints in the agriculture and rural development sectors in Cambodia. It also presents findings from the assessment of policies...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Agroecological initiatives in the Mekong Region: a systematic literature review and mapping reveals their implications for transitioning to sustainable food systems

In the Mekong Region, agroecological approaches provide a niche alternative to the dominant traditional or intensive farming systems. We conducted a synthesis of current evidence on agroecological interventions by means of a systematic literature review and mapping of case studies in Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar. The majority of...
Cambodia - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Myanmar - Viet Nam

Article de blog
As the sea warms, struggling Cambodian fishermen seek to preserve crab stocks

For Ung Bun, a 39-year-old fisherman from Cambodia’s southern Kep province, the days when he would come home with plentiful catches of flower crabs appear to be long gone. Pulling in his net one recent morning, he found just one crustacean. Ung Bun dropped the crab – a male that was...
2023 - Reuters

Public Spending on Agroecology in Nepal and Cambodia – A Baseline Assessment

The agricultural sector, particularly in low-income countries, is facing multiple challenges including climate change, soaring food, fuel and fertilizer prices, biodiversity loss, and lack of adequate investment in agricultural development. With world hunger levels on the rise,1 an urgent move away from industrial agriculture and intensive farming practices is essential...
Cambodia - Nepal
2023 - ActionAid

Terminal evaluation of the first cluster of FAO’s Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency projects

The Global Environment Facility’s Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) supports developing countries to build institutional and technical capacities to meet the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) requirements. This final evaluation assessed the first cluster of the FAO CBIT projects – national projects in Cambodia, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea, and the...
Cambodia - Mongolia - Papua New Guinea
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
South-South Cooperation boosts expertise to protect plant health and livelihoods in Cambodia and Sri Lanka

Collaboration among farmers and technical experts is enhancing countries’ phytosanitary capacities
Smallholder farmers are important food producers globally. However, they often struggle to meet international standards on trade and related plant health requirements. Bridging the gap between smallholder farms and the global market is now more important than ever. Through South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) programmes, producers, exporters and technical experts are...
Cambodia - China - Sri Lanka
2023 - FAO

Article de blog
Seahorse fishing declared illegal in Cambodia

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has announced that fishing for seahorses and selling them in markets is now illegal. Anyone caught fishing for seahorses or selling them will face fines and legal action.
2023 - Khmer Times
Total results:102
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