




The inland fisheries of the Russian Federation: their current status for food provision and employment

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world occupying one-third of Eurasia and it has enormous water resources. Fish from inland waters has always been a central part of the Russian diet and a major contributor to national food security. Inland fisheries are highly diversified and provide employment...
Russian Federation
2024 - FAO

实 践
Training is key to a bright future in farming – experience from the Russian Federation Good practice series – Agricultural extension

gribusiness is a profitable sector in the Russian Federation, which is rapidly gaining in popularity. Attracting generous state support in the form of subsidies, tax breaks, grants and land allocation, this is an area that is destined to grow, with strong potential for the country’s economy, as well as for...
Russian Federation
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Food waste discussion in Moscow focuses on local, global best practices

Discarding food appropriate for human consumption is a waste of resources that negatively impacts the climate and the environment. Yet, there is a set of proven solutions that could help tackle food waste – provided that all actors in the food supply chain are ready to get involved and that...
Russian Federation
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

An overview of legal and institutional frameworks and opportunities, challenges and recommendations for geographical indication products in Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation

Geographical indication (GI) schemes can play a special role in promoting sustainable rural development, improving farm income and opening new export potential. Natural factors such as soil, climate and plant varieties play a major role in producing a unique product. Usually, GIs comprise knowledge and skills passed on from generation...
Armenia - Georgia - Kyrgyzstan - Republic of Moldova - Russian Federation
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Wheat experts hit the road in southwestern Russia this week

Wheat breeding, the traditional technique for improving yields or producing other desired characteristics, hasn’t gone out of fashion. It still has a role to play in ensuring food security, improving nutrition levels, and coping with a changing climate. Researchers from some 20 countries this week will travel in and around Krasnodar...
Russian Federation
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


Крупное исследование Grand View Research, Inc. Observes, показало, что рынок органических продуктов питания и напитков будет расти ежегодно в среднем на 15.5 % в течение 2016-2020 годов. Общий объем рынка органических продуктов составит по прогнозам около $ 212 млрд. к 2020 году.
Russian Federation
2016 - Союз органического земледелия

Interview: “Agroecology is an epistemological revolution”

Victor M. Toledo is a Mexican ethnoecologist and social activist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. His work focuses primarily on the study of agroecological and knowledge systems. In this interview, Victor M. Toledo explains why co-creation of knowledge is an integral part of agroecology and discusses the changes that are needed for this form of agriculture to gain ground in the global arena. He argues that agroecology is in itself a major shift in our relationship with knowledge.
To answer this question, I would like to recall Alexander Wezel’s definition of agroecology. Our French colleague defined it, first, as a science. This is obvious, since agroecology generates scientific knowledge in the strictest sense. However, agroecology, like many other hybrid disciplines (for example, political ecology, environmental history, and ecological...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Colombia - Cuba - Mexico - Russian Federation - Spain
2016 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture


Исследовательский холдинг Ромир  и Центр ОНФ по мониторингу технологической модернизации провели исследование продуктовых предпочтений россиян о том, какие продукты они предпочитают, на какие характеристики обращают внимание. Опрос показал, что все больше людей заботится об экологичности продуктов. На вопрос: «За что вы готовы платить больше?» 56% ответили, что переплатят за продукты экологические чистые,...
Russian Federation
2016 - Союз органического земледелия


Биологизация земледелия в России имеет давнюю историю. Первые идеи научной биологизации можно найти в трудах А. Т. Болотова (1738-1833 гг.) — основоположника отечественной агро­номической науки. Развивая свое хозяйство в имении Дворяниново Тульской губернии, он придавал решающее значение новым куль­турам и севооборотам. В 1771 г. вышла в свет одна из основных...
Russian Federation
2016 - Союз органического земледелия

Куры, гуси, утки, индейки — традиционные жители птичьих дворов, а вот фазаны, цесарки и перепела на подворьях стали появляться сравнительно недавно, но с точки зрения хозяйственной полезности очень интересны

Перепелка – самая миниатюрная и скороспелая сельскохозяйственная птица семейства фазановых отряда куриных. Простота содержания и кормления позволяет содержать их и в городе, и в деревне. Дает она до 300 яиц в год. А уникальность пищевых и диетических свойств позволяет практически всем употреблять яйца и мясо перепелок без ограничений.
Russian Federation

Forum «RUSSIAN VILLAGE - 2016»

The aim of the Project is to contribute to the development of agriculture, to support small and medium size businesses in agriculture, to ensure effective functioning of agricultural businesses,to revive Russian villages.
Russian Federation
2016 - Russian village

Gender equality, social protection and rural development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

This publication is a collection of articles written by economists, sociologists, and gender specialists and practitioners from twelve post-Soviet countries in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. It is unique in its effort to review and analyze the issues that are at the intersection of gender equality, social protection...
Azerbaijan - Belarus - Georgia - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Republic of Moldova - Russian Federation - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Ukraine - Uzbekistan
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Festival of Northern Fishing Traditions a Success in Siberia !

he Low Impact Fishers of the Kesälahti Fish Base Cooperative (Finland), took part in the Festival of Northern Fishing Traditions organized by the Snowchange Cooperative, a network supporting local and Indigenous cultures around the world.
Finland - Russian Federation - United States of America
2016 - Snowchange Cooperative

Газетная статья
In the Country of Volcanoes

For the indigenous peoples of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the ‘fi sh province’ of the Russian Federation, fi ghting for their rights to access fi shing resources is crucial
Russian Federation
2016 - The International Collective in Support of Fish workers (ICSF)

Не врать с сельхозстатистикой

Отчаявшиеся аграрии призывают сказать правду о сельском хозяйстве: оно стагнирует
Если верить официальной статистике, то сельскохозяйственная отрасль развивается вполне успешно, а кризис ей только на пользу: по итогам 2015 года аграрное производство показало прибавку в 3 процента, выращен 100-миллионный урожай зерна, благодаря программе импортозамещения пошло в рост овощеводство и животноводство, для сельских тружеников увеличились государственные субсидии… Однако в на деле...
Russian Federation
2016 - Политика.RU

Agricultural outlook conference for Russia is topic of consultation

FAO’s Liaison Office in Moscow convened a consultation meeting with industry unions yesterday to discuss the feasibility of organizing an inter-sectorial Agricultural Outlook conference in Russian Federation. The meeting hosted top managers of some of the most influential unions representing the interests of the Russian meat, dairy, sugar and grain business....
Russian Federation
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Economics of land degradation and improvement

This book on Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement provides with valuable knowledge and information both at the global, regional, and national levels on the costs of land degradation and benefits of taking action against land degradation. A key advantage of this book is that it goes beyond the conventional...
Argentina - Bhutan - China - Ethiopia - India - Kenya - Malawi - Niger - Russian Federation - Senegal - United Republic of Tanzania - Uzbekistan
2016 - Springer International Publishing

Rural Women in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The present work takes guidance from the FAO  flagship publication, “The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2010-2011: Women in agriculture – Closing the gender gap for development” (FAO, 2011a). The SOFA report argues that, “despite the diversity in the roles and status of women in agriculture, the evidence...
Armenia - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Georgia - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Montenegro - Republic of Moldova - Russian Federation - North Macedonia - Türkiye - Turkmenistan - Ukraine - Uzbekistan
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting

G20 Members (Turkey, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Indıa, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the EU) represent 85% of the world’s economy, 70% of the global agricultural economy and the two thirds of...
Argentina - Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - France - Germany - India - Indonesia - Italy - Japan - Mexico - Republic of Korea - Russian Federation - Saudi Arabia - South Africa - Türkiye - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - United States of America

Eurasian countries accelerate effort to reverse soil degradation trends

At least nine countries in the region stand united on the need to restore limited soil resources and stop alarming soil degradation trends. The “Izmir Communique’” and a related draft five-year implementation plan for the Eurasia region were adopted at the Second Plenary Meeting of the Eurasian Soil Partnership earlier...
Kazakhstan - Republic of Moldova - Russian Federation - Tajikistan - Türkiye - Ukraine - Uzbekistan
Total results:39
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