قاعدة البيانات FAOLEX
Date of original text: 30 November 1966 (2021)


Date of text: 19 September 2022


التنمية الزراعية والريفية

Date of text: 21 June 2001
Date of text: 01 March 1996

النباتات المزروعة

Date of text: 24 January 2023
Date of original text: 06 August 2001 (2002)
Date of original text: 25 June 1974 (1982)
Date of original text: 1961 (2008)

إدارة مخاطر الكوارث

Date of text: 29 May 2020

الغذاء والتغذية

Date of original text: 13 September 1958 (1967)
Date of original text: 19 February 2001 (2002)
Date of original text: 31 March 1933 (1958)
Date of original text: 1969 (1978)


Date of text: 07 December 1981
Date of original text: 13 March 1951 (1985)
Date of original text: 06 March 1949 (1995)

الأرض والتربة

Date of original text: 01 February 1959 (1967)
Date of original text: 01 February 1959 (1998)
Date of text: 18 December 1998

ثروة حيوانية

Date of text: 28 August 2000
Date of original text: 10 January 1991 (1991)


Date of text: 18 December 1998
Date of original text: 1994 (2001)
Date of text: 18 December 1998
Date of original text: 12 May 1994 (2000)
Date of original text: 25 February 1978 (1993)


Date of original text: 08 October 1980 (1989)
Date of original text: 02 January 2001 (2002)

الأنواع البرية والنظم الايكولوجية

Date of original text: 01 April 1982 (2000)
Date of original text: 31 August 2002 (31 December 2002)
Date of original text: 01 November 1995 (2002)
Date of original text: 20 November 1980 (1985)


Date of original text: 15 March 1993 (1995)

الاتفاقات الدولية

:عضو في

الملامح القطرية ذات الصلة