FAOLEX Database


Date of text: 01 January 2021


Agricultural and rural development

Date of text: 25 March 2021

Cultivated plants

Date of text: 24 September 2008
Date of text: 04 December 1987


Date of text: 19 November 2003
Date of text: 24 September 2008
Date of text: 17 June 2019
Date of text: 14 June 1988
Date of text: 22 July 1986

Food and nutrition

Date of text: 13 July 1993
Date of text: 14 June 1988
Date of text: 04 February 2014
Date of text: 10 October 2005


Date of original text: 08 November 1957 (1965)

Land and soil

Date of text: 24 October 1952
Date of text: 14 October 2005


Date of text: 1975
Date of text: 24 September 2008
Date of text: 01 December 1976


Date of text: 23 February 2018
Date of text: 17 June 2019
Date of text: 19 February 2008
Date of text: 27 June 2007


Date of text: 06 December 2013
Date of text: 18 February 2008

International Agreements

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