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Profiles found: 7
Country of residence: Niger
Current Organization/Company: Direction régionale de l'Environnement
Role/Position in the organization: Directrice Régionale de l'Environnement Dosso
Type of FFS expert: Technical expert
Areas of FFS epertise: Land
Country of residence: Niger
Current Organization/Company: Direction Départementale de l'Environnement (DDE) / SUDD
Role/Position in the organization:
Type of FFS expert: Technical expert
Areas of FFS epertise: Water, Soil, Land, Agrobiodiversity
Country of residence: Burkina Faso
Current Organization/Company: Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherche Agricole
Role/Position in the organization: Chercheur, Gestion des Ressources Naturelles/systèmes de production
Type of FFS expert: Technical expert