منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
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Number of documents: 37

Institutionalizing Science Field Shops: Developing Response Farming to Climate Change

Case study

2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Yunita T. Winarto, Sue Walker, Rhino Ariefiansyah, Adlinanur F. Prihandiani, Mohamad Taqiuddin and Zefanya C. Nugroho
Case study Science Field Shops (SFSs) in Indonesia promote farmers’ agrometeorological learning enabling them to adapt their farming activities to cope with increasing climate variability. Seven climate services forming the core of SFSs are based on transdisciplinary collaboration between farmers and scientists.
Production system:

Agroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi series: Evaluation of the Agroforestry Farmer Field Schools on Agroforestry Management in South and Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Impact assessment

2016 - Agroforestery Centre - Endri Martini, Ummu Saad, Yeni Angreiny, James M. Roshetko, Hendra Gunawan, Heru T. Maulana, Gusti Suganda, Gusti Dwipayana, La Ode M Erwin, Abdul Hadedi
The Agroforestry Farmer Field School (AFFS) is a program implemented through the Agroforestry and Forestry: Linking Knowledge to Action (AgFor) project that seeks to improve the agroforestry garden management capacity of smallholder farmers in several provinces of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. In principle, the method implemented in AFFS follows the participatory [...]
Production system: Fruits and Nuts, Beverages/Spice crops

Report of the Knowledge exchange on the promotion of efficient rice farming practices, Farmer Field School curriculum development and value chains

Technical background material

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
A total of 33 participants (10 women) participated in the Regional Rice Initiative – Workshop cum Study Tour on knowledge exchange on Farmer Field School curriculum development for promotion of efficient rice farming practices and value chains. Field visits were made to Sleman (Rice-Fish farming and “jajar legowo”) and Boyalali [...]
Production system: Cereals, Aquaculture, Fisheries

Farmer Field School in West Kalimantan, Indonesia - A Good Return Initiative

Audiovisual material

2014 - Good Return -
Learn about Good Return's Farmer Field School program run with our partner Credit Union Keling Kumang (CUKK) in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The program aims to improve the incomes of smallholder palm oil farmers by using sustainable agricultural techniques. This allows them to mitigate their environmental impact, improve the health of [...]
Production system: Oilseed crops

Science Field Shops to reduce climate vulnerabilities: an inter- and trans-disciplinary educational commitment

Technical background material

2013 - University of Nebraska Press - Yunita T. Winarto, Kees Stigter
In addition to an always valuable inter-disciplinary approach in problem solving in agricultural production, a trans-disciplinary collaboration between farmers on the one hand and scholars and scientists on the other is beneficial for both parties as they reach across the voids between their very different realms and idioms. We have [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools as a Springboard for Enhanced Uptake of New Agricultural Technologies. Lessons for Tanzania

Case study

2013 - Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Z. S. K. Mvena, A. Z. Mattee, R. M. Wambura, D. L. Mwaseba, E. A. Lazaro, E. D. Kiranga and D. M. Kilave
The latest approach in enhancing the uptake of agricultural technologies is through the Farmer Field Schools that have only a short history in Tanzania.The paper reviews FFS and gives a brief presentation of the history of FFS in Tanzania. The paper then makes an assessment of the effectiveness of the approach [...]
Production system:

Training and Visit (T&V) Extension vs. Farmer Field School: the Indonesian Experience

Technical background material

2011 - The Australian National University - Budy P. Resosudarmo, Satoshi Yamazaki
This paper aims to discuss and compare the effectiveness of these two programs (The Training and Visit (T&V) Extension Program and the Farmer Field School -FFS-Program) with reference to rice production in Indonesia. The findings suggest that, for regions where the level of development is still very low, implementing a [...]
Production system:
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