منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية
Results filtered by:
Farm and enterprise management
Number of documents: 106

Farmer Field Schools on Farmer Seed Production and Marketing: Online course

Training material

2022 - Oxfam Novib - Gisella Cruz-Garcia, Hilton Mbozi, Bert Visser and Jorge Chavez-Tafur
The online course “Farmer Field Schools on Farmer Seed Production and Marketing” is part of the program’s work on seed production for the local market. The objective of this work is (1) to improve farmers’ access to seed of well adapted crops and varieties not offered by the formal seed sector [...]
Production system:

Young Entrepreneur brings Smart Learning

Audiovisual material

2020 - Access Agriculture -
Use of Solar Powered Smart Projector in Bihar by Young Entrepreneur. Extension for landless.
Production system: Crops, Vegetables and Melons, Fruits and Nuts, Pastures /Fodder trees

Young Entrepreneur brings smart farmer learning

Case study

2020 - Access Agriculture -
Short story about how Digital for Development money D4D from Belgian Government has helped establish a Young Entrepreneur in Bihar, India using a solar powered smart projector.
Production system: Crops, Cereals, Vegetables and Melons, Fruits and Nuts, Pastures /Fodder trees

Évaluation finale du projet «Intégration de la résilience climatique dans la production agricole pour la sécurité alimentaire en milieu rural au Mali»

Information on projects

2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Le changement climatique est une réalité au Mali, où la population et l’économie sont majoritairement dépendantes de l’agriculture, de l’élevage et de la pêche. Dans le cadre du changement climatique, le Mali sera confronté à une nette augmentation de la température moyenne de 2 o C en 2050 et 4 [...]
Production system:

EMPRENDIMIENTOS DE AGRICULTURA FAMILIAR PARA LA PAZ Metodologías para la innovación social y tecnológica para el desarrollo rural

Case study

2018 - FAO - Editor: Juan Izquierdo
The book systematizes experiences of hundreds of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in Colombia, developed by FAO and other institutions, in multiple social projects to strengthen communities and family farming organizations. These efforts were aimed at promoting food security, self- consumption, livelihoods, social inclusion of ethnic groups, sustainable intensification [...]
Production system:

How to develop and manage your own community seed bank: Farmers’ handbook Technical issues: Booklet 2 of 3

Training material

2018 - Bioversity International - Vernooy, R.; Bessette, G.; Sthapit, B.; Gupta, A.
This handbook is a companion to Community seed banks: concept and practice: facilitator handbook by Ronnie Vernooy, Bhuwon Sthapit, and Guy Bessette (Bioversity International 2017). The three booklets making up this handbook were written and designed for rural producers who are interested in establishing, supporting, and managing a community seed [...]
Production system:

VoiPastorales : Renforcer la résilience des systèmes pastoraux au travers du théâtre forum

Audiovisual material

2016 - CIRAD - Bastien Defives
L’ambition du projet est de créer une synergie de dialogue entre des scientifiques, des acteurs du développement et des acteurs de la société civile engagés dans la définition de pratiques pastorales résilientes dans la zone du Ferlo Sénégalais. La création de dialogues impliquant l’ensemble des acteurs concernés et notamment les pasteurs, [...]
Production system: Livestock, Large Ruminants

Social Cost Benefit of CARE International's Pathways Program

Impact assessment

2016 - New Economics Foundation Consulting - Michael Weatherhead, Samrawit Mariam, Sarah Arnold, Alison Freeman
Impact assessment on the social cost benefit analysis of the CARE Pathways program, which focuses on getting extension, tools, and training to women farmers. The program includes gender dialogues and other exercises on gender equality. The study shows a $31 return for every $1 invested.
Production system:

Manual del facilitador. Escuelas de campo para la producción de semillas de calidad de maíz

Training material

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Francisco Espinosa, Gonzalo Tejada, Javier Aguilera, José Luis Marconi, Miguel Ángel Gonzales, Fredy Ramos, José Luis Mamani, Nicola Mastrocola, Vinicio Huamán, Xavier Mera, Guillermo Pino, Rember Pinedo, José Tenorio, Cornelio Taipe, Cleber Munoz
Manual con el propósito fundamental servir de guía a los facilitadores para que puedan conformar y llevar a la práctica Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores (ECA), en la producción y uso de semillas de calidad
Production system: Crops, Cereals

Manual del facilitador. Escuelas de campo para la producción de semillas de calidad de quinua

Training material

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Francisco Espinosa, Gonzalo Tejada, Javier Aguilera, José Luis Marconi, Miguel Ángel Gonzales, Fredy Ramos, José Luis Mamani, Nicola Mastrocola, Vinicio Huamán, Xavier Mera, Guillermo Pino, Rember Pinedo, José Tenorio, Cornelio Taipe, Cleber Munoz
Production system: Crops, Others
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