Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores
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Number of documents: 46

FAO Dimitra Clubs promoting equality and inclusion in Syria

Material audiovisual

2024 - FAO -
Dimitra Clubs are FAO’s global approach to encourage the engagement of local communities, male and female individuals, couples, local influencers and opinion leaders, as well as male household members in facilitated discussions, and promote collaboration to find community-led solutions for their common issues, among which are the issues of economic [...]
Production system:

Gender Equality in Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA): Cambodia

Material audiovisual

2023 - FAO -
Women are often among the most vulnerable and marginalized, with limited access to resources and assets, and face formidable barriers in adapting to climate change. Their vulnerability stems from a variety of sources, including basic gender inequality, distribution of rural work effort, and disproportionate access to economic, health and educational [...]
Production system:

Farmer field schools, gender equality, social inclusion and community empowerment. Experiences from Senegal: Case study

Estudio de impacto

2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN -
Senegal has had extensive experience with the development and implementation of the farmer field school (FFS) approach across almost two decades. Building on this experience and that of the first phase of the scoping exercise conducted in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region (and using the same methodology), [...]
Production system:

Community engagement in Climate Smart Farmer Field Schools in Cambodia

Material audiovisual

2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
@FAO, @Global Environment Facility (GEF) with the Royal Government of Cambodia are supporting rural women, among the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, for fostering community resilience to climate change.
Production system:

Gender Equality in climate smart agriculture (CSA): Cambodia

Material audiovisual

2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN -
Women are often among the most vulnerable and marginalized, with limited access to resources and assets, and face formidable barriers in adapting to climate change. Their vulnerability stems from a variety of sources, including basic gender inequality, distribution of rural work effort, and disproportionate access to economic, health and educational [...]
Production system:

The real seed producers. Small-scale farmers save, use, share and enhance the seed diversity of the crops that feed Africa

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2018 - AFSA, Grain -
This report unpacks and explores farmer-managed seed systems and their contribution to food and seed sovereignty, including the benefits they provide to farming communities as a part of their sociocultural, economic, spiritual and ecological livelihoods. The report highlights, exposes and explores how these systems work. It builds on reports of [...]
Production system:

Training of Farmer Field School Master Trainers and Facilitators in Rwanda

Documentos claves sobre ECA

2017 - Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources Rwanda, Belgian Development Agency - Somers Raf, Higiro Joseph, Gata Sylvia Salama, Busogoro Jean Pierre & Ndabamenye Telesphore
The comprehensive publication provides detailed information of how FFS Master Trainers and FFS Facilitators were trained in Rwanda. It describes the principles and methods, the training schedules as well as a all different activities during the seasonlong training. A must read for all projects and organisations applying FFS.
Production system: Cultivo, Ganadería, Cereales, Verduras y melones, Frutas y Nueces, Cultivos olineaginosos, Raíces y tubérculos, Leguminosa

The Plant is the Teacher

Documentos técnicos de referencia

2017 - Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources Rwanda, Belgian Development Agency - Somers Raf, Mary Rubibigango, Higiro Joseph, Gata Sylvia Salama
In Rwanda, more than 200,000 families by reached by an FFS program. The colorful publication provides an insights in the success of the farmer field school approach in Rwanda. It describes the principles, the FFS tools, the results, the scaling up and the sustainability.
Production system:

Epistemological Fundamentals of Education in Agriculture in Cuba

Estudio de caso

2017 - Agrisost - Parrado Alvarez, Oscar L.
Production system: Cultivo, Verduras y melones, Raíces y tubérculos, Estimulantes y especies, Leguminosa

Social Cost Benefit of CARE International's Pathways Program

Estudio de impacto

2016 - New Economics Foundation Consulting - Michael Weatherhead, Samrawit Mariam, Sarah Arnold, Alison Freeman
Impact assessment on the social cost benefit analysis of the CARE Pathways program, which focuses on getting extension, tools, and training to women farmers. The program includes gender dialogues and other exercises on gender equality. The study shows a $31 return for every $1 invested.
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