Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
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Number of documents: 23

Enabling "Response-ability": A stocktaking of farmer field schools on smallholder forestry and agroforestry

Plaidoyer et politiques publiques

2023 - FAO -
Forestry and agroforestry education and extension programmes for forest and farm communities have not kept up with needs in many places. However, the success of achieving international sustainability goals and implementing global commitments with respect to sustainable production, halting land degradation, ecosystem restoration and climate change mitigation is contingent on [...]
Production system: Stimulants et épices, Pâturage/arbres fourragers

Enabling farmer-led ecosystem restoration: Farmer field schools on forestry and agroforestry

Matériel de formation

2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN -
Agricultural expansion is responsible for almost 90 percent of deforestation worldwide, making it a leading driver of biodiversity and habitat loss. Cropland expansion is the main driver, causing almost 50 percent of global deforestation, followed by livestock grazing, which accounts for 38.5 percent. This situation of great concern presents a [...]
Production system:

What have we learned from trees? Three decades of farmer field schools on agroforestry and forestry

Étude d'impact

2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Over the last three decades, Farmer Field Schools (FFS) have proven to be an effective discovery-learning-capacity building approach to help rural populations to innovate with more clarity and purpose while building the social skills needed for rural transformation and empowerment. The diverse forestry and agroforestry applications of the FFS demonstrate [...]
Production system:

Young Entrepreneur brings Smart Learning

Matériel audiovisuel

2020 - Access Agriculture -
Use of Solar Powered Smart Projector in Bihar by Young Entrepreneur. Extension for landless.
Production system: Culture, Légumes et melons, Fruits et noix, Pâturage/arbres fourragers

Young Entrepreneur brings smart farmer learning

Étude de cas

2020 - Access Agriculture -
Short story about how Digital for Development money D4D from Belgian Government has helped establish a Young Entrepreneur in Bihar, India using a solar powered smart projector.
Production system: Culture, Céréales, Légumes et melons, Fruits et noix, Pâturage/arbres fourragers


Documents techniques de référence

2020 - FAO - SANA, Youssoufou
Au Burkina Faso, le faible niveau de développement social et économique et sa population à grande majorité rurale rendent le pays très dépendant des ressources naturelles. Pour se nourrir, se loger et s’épanouir, les ressources naturelles sont directement prélevées et les terres sont de plus en plus mises en culture [...]
Production system: Culture, Élevage, Volailles

Agroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi series: Evaluation of the Agroforestry Farmer Field Schools on Agroforestry Management in South and Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Étude d'impact

2016 - Agroforestery Centre - Endri Martini, Ummu Saad, Yeni Angreiny, James M. Roshetko, Hendra Gunawan, Heru T. Maulana, Gusti Suganda, Gusti Dwipayana, La Ode M Erwin, Abdul Hadedi
The Agroforestry Farmer Field School (AFFS) is a program implemented through the Agroforestry and Forestry: Linking Knowledge to Action (AgFor) project that seeks to improve the agroforestry garden management capacity of smallholder farmers in several provinces of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. In principle, the method implemented in AFFS follows the participatory [...]
Production system: Fruits et noix, Stimulants et épices

Farmer Field Schools Approach for Agroforestry & Natural Resource Development

Documents techniques de référence

2016 - JICA and Orimia Bureau of Agriculture - JICA and Orimia Bureau of Agriculture
This is a 8 page brochure of FFS for social forest extention in Ethiopia.
Production system:
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