Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Results filtered by:
FS sustainability
Number of documents: 60

EMPRENDIMIENTOS DE AGRICULTURA FAMILIAR PARA LA PAZ Metodologías para la innovación social y tecnológica para el desarrollo rural

Étude de cas

2018 - FAO - Editor: Juan Izquierdo
The book systematizes experiences of hundreds of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in Colombia, developed by FAO and other institutions, in multiple social projects to strengthen communities and family farming organizations. These efforts were aimed at promoting food security, self- consumption, livelihoods, social inclusion of ethnic groups, sustainable intensification [...]
Production system:

Scaling and institutionalization within agricultural innovation systems: the case of cocoa farmer field schools in Cameroon

Étude d'impact

2018 - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability -
The farmer field school (FFS) concept has been widely adopted, and such schools have the reputation of strengthening farmers’ capacity to innovate. Although their impact has been studied widely, what is involved in their scaling and in their becoming an integral part of agricultural innovation systems has been studied [...]
Production system:

The Global Farmer Field School Platform Dgroups

Matériel audiovisuel

2018 - dgroupsfoundation -
Video recorded during the webinar organized by FAO and Dgroups on 22 March 2018 explaining the role of discussion groups to strengthen practitioners' networks and exchange of knowldge.
Production system:

Training of Farmer Field School Master Trainers and Facilitators in Rwanda

Documents clés sur les CEP

2017 - Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources Rwanda, Belgian Development Agency - Somers Raf, Higiro Joseph, Gata Sylvia Salama, Busogoro Jean Pierre & Ndabamenye Telesphore
The comprehensive publication provides detailed information of how FFS Master Trainers and FFS Facilitators were trained in Rwanda. It describes the principles and methods, the training schedules as well as a all different activities during the seasonlong training. A must read for all projects and organisations applying FFS.
Production system: Culture, Élevage, Céréales, Légumes et melons, Fruits et noix, Cultures oléagineuses, Racines et tubercules, Légumineux

The Plant is the Teacher

Documents techniques de référence

2017 - Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources Rwanda, Belgian Development Agency - Somers Raf, Mary Rubibigango, Higiro Joseph, Gata Sylvia Salama
In Rwanda, more than 200,000 families by reached by an FFS program. The colorful publication provides an insights in the success of the farmer field school approach in Rwanda. It describes the principles, the FFS tools, the results, the scaling up and the sustainability.
Production system:

Escuelas de Campo: la experiencia del CATIE para la gestión de conocimiento y el desarrollo de capacidades

Documents techniques de référence

2017 - The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) - Cris Soto Gómez
Presentación sobre las ECAs en el contexto de implementación del CATIE. XII Taller de Seguimiento Técnico de Proyectos FONTAGRO.
Production system:

Enabling Institutionalization of the Farmer Field School approach - a policy brief

Plaidoyer et politiques publiques

2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Production system:

Epistemological Fundamentals of Education in Agriculture in Cuba

Étude de cas

2017 - Agrisost - Parrado Alvarez, Oscar L.
Production system: Culture, Légumes et melons, Racines et tubercules, Stimulants et épices, Légumineux

Capitalization of the experiences with and the results of the twigire muhinzi agricultural extension model in Rwanda

Étude de cas

2016 - Royal Tropic Institute - Bertus Wennink and Remco Mur
Production system: Culture, Céréales

GUÍA METODOLÓGICA Para la implementación de Escuelas de Campo para Agricultores (ECA) en sistemas silvopastoriles agroecológicos

Matériel de formation

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Colombia -
La presente guía para el desarrollo de las Escuelas de Campo para Agricultores (ECA) en sistemas silvopastoriles agroecológicos busca, a partir de las experiencias y el trabajo realizado en el municipio de Calamar, Guaviare, brindar a los técnicos facilitadores y productores las herramientas metodológicas, técnicas, prácticas y conceptuales para el [...]
Production system: Élevage, Gros ruminants
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