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The system of crop intensification: reports from the field on improving agricultural production, food security, and resilience to climate change for multiple crops

Impact assessment

2014 - Agriculture & Food Security - Binju Abraham, Hailu Araya, Tareke Berhe, Sue Edwards, Biksham Gujja, Ram Bahadur Khadka, Yang S Koma, Debashish Sen, Asif Sharif, Erika Styger, Norman Uphoff and Anil Verma
This review article reports on the productivity and other impacts being observed for many different crops in half a dozen countries for increasing food crop yields with lower cost and input requirements as well as more resilience to adverse effects of climate change. It also reports on mechanization innovations that [...]
Production system: Cereals, Vegetables and Melons, Oilseed crops, Legumes

Describing and Measuring Ethno-Entomological Knowledge of Rice Pests: Tradition and Change Among Asian Rice Farmers

Technical background material

2006 - Environment, Development and Sustainability - Lisa Leimar Price, Astrid Björnsen Gurung
The paper presents a methodology that guided several ethnoentomological research projects and goes on to examine and compare the results from two independent research locations in Asia. The first location is in the Philippines, a Green Revolution area that has been heavily impacted by extension messages and insecticide use. The [...]
Production system: Insects

Farmer Field Schools to promote Integrated Pest Management in Asia : the FAO experience

Technical background material

2005 - International Rice Research Institute - Andrew Bartlett
This case examines some of the human – as opposed to technological – factors that have influenced the scaling up of the FFS. Organisational issues such as leadership, policy, human resources and competition help to explain why the IPM field school has taken off in some places and not in others. Examples are taken [...]
Production system:

IPM by Farmers: the Farmer IPM Trainers ToT programme in Nepal

Case study

2000 - Community IPM - Mohamad Atek Zambani
The development of a curriculum and learning program by farmers for farmers as executed in Nepal.
Production system:

Gender and IPM in Nepal

Case study

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - The FAO Inter-Country Programme for IPM in vegetables in South and Southeast Asia
This article explores the relationship of women and IPM in agriculture in Nepal. The goal is to promote the implementations of programme in which women and men will benefit equally.
Production system: