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6     The Government Consultation was opened by Dr. A. Laaberki, Vice-President of OIE, who recalled that OIE, already over fifty years old, was putting at the disposal of the Consultation its large scientific and technical knowledge for the success of its work. He recalled also the FAO/OIE Agreement which brings together both Organizations since 12 November 1952. The Director-General of OIE, Dr. R. Vittoz, welcomed the participants and recalled the long-standing role of OIE in the control of the spread of animal diseases and the part the Permanent Commission for the Study of Fish Diseases, created in 1961, has played in the study and control of fish diseases since then.

7     As representative of the Director-General of FAO, Mr. J.E. Carroz, Principal Legal Officer (International Fisheries), also welcomed the participants and recalled the steps that led to the present Consultation and the collaboration that had developed between FAO and OIE. On the question of performance of secretariat functions by FAO under the proposed Convention, which would be concluded outside the framework of FAO, he outlined the difficulties of a legal and constitutional nature that could arise. More importantly, he stressed that in the light of the recent re-orientation of FAO's programmes and priorities proposed by the Director-General and approved by the Council, the role of FAO should consist primarily of promotional and preparatory work and should not extend to the performance of secretariat functions. Should the Governments concerned wish to establish an independent secretariat, FAO would stand ready to cooperate closely with it so as to contribute to achieving the objectives of the draft Convention.

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