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15.     The Consultation then considered the issue of the future action to be taken with respect to the draft Convention and technical annexes. During these considerations, the potential value of a Convention was questioned, in view of the intention of several countries to adopt or continue to apply stricter import requirements than foreseen in the draft Convention. However, it was noted that the Convention was based on a concept of a gradual transition from more readily acceptable standards to eventually stricter and stricter standards. The Consultation was of the opinion that it would not be necessary or desirable to convene a further Consultation on the draft Convention, although as noted earlier in this report, further work might be necessary on the technical annexes. The ultimate objective must then be the eventual adoption of the Convention at a Conference of Plenipotentiaries. However, it was considered that the momentum of the previous work in the preparation of the Convention should not be lost. The Consultation, therefore, called for a report of its deliberations to be circulated to Governments, including not only Governments represented at the Consultation but also other Governments that may be interested in the work of the Consultation, as soon as possible. The Consultation adopted the following resolution:

Being cognizant that:

  1. the growth of freshwater and marine aquaculture on a world-wide scale is creating increased traffic in live fish and fish eggs, which is likely to result in an increased spread of communicable fish diseases if known scientific methods are not applied to the control of these diseases;

  2. the FAO Consultation held in Aviemore, Scotland, in 1974 and this Consultation have demonstrated the merits of international cooperation by creating an increased awareness of fish health problems, an improved understanding of ways to control and prevent fish diseases, and a greater commitment to prevent these diseases.

Therefore, recommends that:

  1. Delegations should consult with their Governments with a view to obtaining an invitation from an interested Government to convene and host a Conference of Plenipotentiaries;

  2. The sponsoring Organizations OIE and FAO be invited to contribute to the preparatory work of such a Conference and in particular to the preparation of Conference documents.

In view of the delays that might be anticipated in the convening of a Conference of Plenipotentiaries, the Consultation turned to the question of possible interim measures that could be envisaged and adopted the following additional recommendation on this question:

Recommendation 2

The Consultation:

conscious of the urgency of adopting measures to prevent the spread of communicable fish diseases,

being aware of the possible delay in the convening of a Conference of Plenipotentiaries and the adoption of a Convention,

taking into account the work done so far by the countries concerned, FAO/EIFAC and OIE,


  1. that the substance of the Convention and in particular the health certificates and the standard procedures of certification as worked out by the Consultation and amended by the subsequent working groups (envisaged by the Consultation) be adopted as an appropriate part of the Zoo-sanitary Code of OIE as soon as possible;

  2. and that the countries represented at this Consultation act with utmost expediency to implement the so amended Zoo-sanitary Code into control of the international traffic of live fish and fish eggs.

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