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4.1 Publication of Workshop Proceedings

In addition to the publication of an administrative report of the Workshop as an EIFAC Occasional Paper, it was agreed during the closing internal session that J.M. Gropp (Germany, Workshop Chairman) and V. Hilge (Germany, Chairman of EIFAC) would explore the possibilities of having the full proceedings of the Workshop (including all review and experience papers) published, either as a special issue of an internationally refereed scientific journal or privately on a commercial basis.

4.2 Future activities

On the basis of the discussions held during the open and internal sessions it was recommended that EIFAC should continue its activities in the important field of aquaculture nutrition and feed development, and that future activities be discussed during the forthcoming eighteenth session of EIFAC in Rome. Subject areas which were raised during the final session of the Workshop for possible consideration, included: the production of a manual on standard methods for fish nutrition research, the production of European Feedstuff Tables, and the organization of a similar Workshop on fish nutrition research methodologies for the East European countries.

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