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Kögler, K.,
Tagger Kraftfutterwerke und Mühlen AG,
Puchstraβe 17,
A-8020 Graz


Hasan, M.R.,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Department of Fisheries, Biology and Limnology,
2202 Mymensingh


Coutteau, P.,
Laboratory for Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center,
State University of Gent,
Rozier 44,
B-9000 Gent

Fiogbé, E.D.,
Unité d'Ecologie et Eaux Douces,
Fac. Universitaires N.D. de la Paix,
61 rue de Bruxelles,
B-5000 Namur

Geurden, I.,
Laboratory for Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center,
State University of Gent,
Rozier 44,
B-9000 Gent

Hidalgo, Y., Valdez, M.,
Fish Nutrition Laboratory,
Catholic University of Louvain,
Route de Blocry 2,
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Lavens, P.,
Laboratory for Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center,
State University of Gent,
Rozier 44,
B-9000 Gent

Merchie, G.,
Laboratory for Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center,
State University of Gent,
Rozier 44,
B-9000 Gent

Rollin, X.,
Fish Nutrition Laboratory,
Catholic University of Louvain,
Route de Blocry,
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve


Cho, C. Young,
Department of Nutritional Sciences,
University of Guelph,
Ontario N1G 2W1

Cowey, C.B.,
Department of Nutritional Sciences,
University of Guelph,
Ontario N1G 2W1


Moreau, Y.,
01 BP V-18,
Abidjan 01


Bylling, H.E.,
Aller Mölle A/S,
DK-6070 Christiansfeld

Due, T.,
Dansk Orredfoder A/S,
Danish Aqua Feed International,
P.O. Box 39,
DK-7330 Brande

Jacobsen, A.,
Aller Mölle A/S,
DK-5070 Christiansfeld

Pedersen, B.,
Roche A/S,
Industrihollmen 59,
DK-2650 Hvidovre

Sørensen, M.B.,
Assoc. of Fishmeal and Fishoil Manufacturers IN,
Isbrogade 9,
DK-6700 Esbjerg


Ruohonen, K.J.,
Finnish Game and Fish Research Institute,
Evo State Fish and Aquaculture Research Station,
SF-116970 Evo


Kaushik, S.J.,
Fish Nutrition Laboratory,
Station d'Hydrobiologie,
F-64310 St. Pée-sur-Nivelle

Mambrini, M.,
Fish Nutrition Laboratory, INRA,
Station d'Hydrobiologie,
F-64310 St. Pée-sur-Nivelle

Médale, F.,
Fish Nutrition Laboratory, INRA,
Station d'Hydrobiologie,
F-64310 St. Pée-sur-Nivelle

Robert, N.,
Zone Industrielle-B.P.1,
F-116440 Nersac


Bohl, M.,
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wasserforschung,
Versuchsanlage Wielenbach,
Demollstraβe 31,
D-82407 Wielenbach

Christensen, O.,
Takeda Europe GmbH,
Domstraβe 17,
D-20095 Hamburg

Deitert, Ch.,
Kronen Spezial-Tiernahrung GmbH,
Hafenstraβe 11–13,
D-46483 Wesel

Gropp, J.,
Institut für Tierenährung und Ernährungsschäden,
Universität Leipzig,
Gustav-Kühn-Straβe 8,
D-04159 Leipzig

Günther, K.D.,
Institut für Tierenährung,
Oskar-Kellner-Weg 6,
D-37077 Göttingen

Herbst, J.
Alma Feeds,
F. Botzenhardt KG,
D-87437 Kempten

Hilge, V.,
Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei,
Wulfsdorfer Weg 204,
D-22926 Ahrensburg

Hoffmann, R.W.,
Institut für Zoologie und Hydrobiologie,
Universität München,
Kaulbachstraβe 37,
D-80539 München 22

Jacobs, St.,
Institut für Tierenährung,
Endenicher Allee 15,
D-53115 Bonn

Jauhari, R.,
Institut für Tierphysiologie und Tierernährung,
Kellnerweg 6,
D-37077 Göttingen

Kinzinger, St.L.,
Lohmann-LTE GmbH,
Abt. Marketing,
Am Seedeich 9-11,
D-27478 Cuxhaven

Koppe, W.H.,
Institut für Tierphysiologie und Tierenährung,
Wellner Weg 8,
D-37077 Göttingen

Kürzinger, H.,
Dr.rer.nat. Ulich Baensch GmbH,
Herrenteich 78,
D-49324 Melle 1

Lukovicz, M.von.,
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Fischerei,
Starnberg Wellheimer Str.8,
D-82319 Starnberg

Meyer-Burgdorff, K.-H.,
Institut für Tierphysiologie und Tierernährung,
Kellner Weg 8,
D-37077 Göttingen

Münch, M.,
Institut für Tierphysiologie,
Universität München,
Veterinärstraβe 13,
D-80539 München

Oberle, M.,
Institut für Ernährungsphysiologie,
Technische Universität München,
D-85354 Freising-Weihenstephan

Pack, M.,
Degussa AG,
Feed Additives Division,
PO Box 1345,
D-6450 Hanau

Pfeffer, E.,
Institut für Tierernährung,
Universität Bonn,
Endenicher Allee 15,
D-53115 Bonn

Rodehutscord, M.,
Institut für Tierernährung,
Endenicher Allee 15,
D-53115 Bonn

Schäfer, A.,
Institut für Tierphysiologie und Tierernährung,
Weg 6,
D-37077 Göttingen

Schöner, F.-J.,
Neumühle 13,
Offenbach D-76877

Schuhmacher, A.,
Institut für Tierernährung und Ernährungsschäden,
Universität Leipzig,
Gustav-Kühn-Straβe 8,
D-04159 Leipzig

Schulte, H.-G.,
Institut für Tierernährung,
Endenicher Allee 15,
D-53115 Bonn

Schwarz, F.J.,
Institut für Ernährungsphysiologie,
Technische Universität München,
D-8050 Freising-Weihenstephan

Sintayehu, A.,
Institut für Tierphysiologie und Tierenährung,
Kellnerweg 6,
D-37077 Göttingen

Steffens, W.,
Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei,
Müggelseedamm 310,
D-12587 Berlin

Tober, B.,
Forschungs- und Studienzentrum für Veredelungswirtschaft Weser-Ems,
Driverstraβe 22,
D-49377 Vechta

Wedekind, H.,
Institut für Binnenfischerei e.V.,
Jägerhof am Sacrower See,
D-14476 Gross-Glienicke

Wittmann, M.,
Forschungs- und Studienzentrum für Veredelungswirtschaft Weser-Ems,
Driverstraβe 22,
D-49377 Vechta


Papadopoulos, M.
Laky SA-Animal and Fish Feeds,
Philellinon 16,
47100 Arta

Papoutsoglou, S.E.,
Department of Applied Hydrobiology,
Agricultural University of Athens,
lera Odos 75,
118 55 Votanikos


Csengeri, I.,
Fish Culture Research Institute,
PO Box 47,
H-5541 Szarvas

Papp, Z.,
Fish Culture Research Institute,
P.O. Box 47,
H-5541 Szarvas


Arnason, J.,
Laxá Feedmill,
P.O. Box 495,
IS-600 Akureyri

Gudmundsson, O.,
Agricultural Research Institute,
Animal Nutrition Division,
IS-112 Reykjavik

Halldrosdottir, K.,
Rannsóknastofnun Landbúndadarins,
IS-110 Reykjavik

Tryggvadottir, S.V.,
Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories,
Skulagata 4,


Chawalit, O.,
PT, Panganpertiwi JI.
Ancol Barat Block,
A5 No. 10,
Jakarta 14430


Lupatsch, I.,
National Institute for Mariculture,
POB 1212,
88112 Eilfat


D'Agaro, E.,
Department of Animal Production,
University of Udine,
Via S. Mauro 2,
1-33010 Pagnacco (UD)

Department of Animal Production,
University of Udine,
Via S. Mauro 2,
1-33010 Pagnacco (UD)

Boccignone, M.,
Department of Animal Production,
University of Udine,
Via S. Mauro 2,
1-33010 Pagnacco (UD)

Bauce, G.,
Hendrix S.P.A.,
Frazione San Zeno,
P.O. Box 495,
I-37060 Mozzecane (VR)

Department of Animal Production,
University of Udine,
Via S. Mauro 2,
1-33010 Pagnacco (UD)

Lanari, D.,
Department of Animal Production,
University of Udine,
Via S. Mauro 2,
1-33010 Pagnacco (UD)

Melatti, P.,
Centro Universitario di Ricerca e Didattica in Aquacoltura e Maricoltura,
Camerino University,
Lungomare Europa,
1-63039 San Benedetto del Trono

Palmegiano, G.B.,
Centro Universitario di Ricerca e Didattica in Aquacoltura e Maricoltura,
Camerino University,
Lungomare Europa,
1-63039 San Benedetto de Tronto

Pinoso, M.,
Department of Animal Production,
University of Udine,
Via S. Mauro 2,
1-33010 Pagnacco (UD)

Roncarati, A.,
Camerino University,
Lungomare Europa,
1-63039 San Benedetto del Tronto

Saroglia, M.,
Università della Basilicata,
Dip. Sci. Produzioni Animali,
Via Nazzario Sauro 85,

Tibaldi, E.,
Department of Animal Production,
University of Udine,
Via S. Mauro 2,
1-33010 Pagnacco (UD)

Tulli, F.,
Department of Animal Production,
University of Udine,
Via S. Mauro 2,
I-33010 Pagnacco (UD)


Teshima, S.,
Faculty of Fisheries,
Kagoshima University,
Kagoshima 890


Heinsbroek, L.T.N.,
Coppens International BV,
Waaldijk 35,
NL-5305 CB Zuilichem

Nijhof, M.,
Netherlands Institute for Fishery Research,
P.O. Box 68,
NL-1870 AB Ijmuiden van Weerd, J.H.,
Department of Fish Culture and Fisheries,
Wageningen Agricultural University,
P.O. Box 338,


Albrektsen, S.,
Institute of Nutrition,
Directorate of Fisheries,
Box 1900 Norness,
N-5024 Bergen

Andorsdottir, G.,
Institute of Aquaculture Research,
N-6600 Sunndalsøra

Dorfner, T.,
ISP (Norden) AB,
Havreveien 20,
N-0680 Oslo

Draegni, O.B.,
Norwegian Grain Council,
Akvaforsk, Pb 5010,
N-11432 As

Einen, O.,
BP Nutrition Aquaculture Research Centre,
Box 532,
N-4001 Stavanger

Grisdale-Helland, B.,
Institute of Aquaculture Research,
N-6600 Sunndalsøra

Hemre, G.-I.,
Institute of Nutrition,
Directorate of Fisheries,
P.O. Box 1900,
N-5024 Bergen

Jobling, M.,
NFH, University of Tromsø,
N-9037 Tromsø

Maage, A.,
Institute of Nutrition,
Directorate of Fisheries,
P.O. Box 1900,
N-5024 Bergen

Opstvedt, J.,
Norwegian Herring Oil and Meal Industry Research Institute,
N-5033 Fyllingsdalen-Bergen

Sandnes, K.,
Institute of Nutrition,
Directorate of Fisheries,
P.O. Box 1900,
N-5024 Bergen

Solbakken, R.,
Ewos Aqua A.S.,
P.O. Box 424,
N-1471 Skarer

Storebakken, T.,
Institute of Aquaculture Research Ltd.,
N-6600 Sunndalsøra

Sveier, H.,
Norsk Bioakva A/S,
N-4335 Dirdal

Thomassen, M.,
Institute of Aquaculture Research,
P.O. Box 5010,
N-1432 AaS

Toften, H.,
Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture,
P.O. Box 2511,
N-9002 Tromsø

Torrissen, O.J.,
Institute of Marine Research,
Matre Aquaculture Res. Station,
N-5198 Matredal

Viga, A.,
T. Skretting A/S,
P.O. Box 3/9,
N-4001 Stavanger


Kuczynski, M.,
Institute of Ichthyobiology and Aquaculture,
Polish Academie of Sciences,
43-422 Chybie


Gomes, E.F.,
Instituto Ciencias Biomédicas,
Universidade do Porto,
Largo Prof. Abel Salazar 2,
P-4000 Porto

Gouveia, A.J.R.,
Instituto de Zoologia,
Facultade de Ciencias,
Universidade do Porto,
Gomes Teixeira,
P-4000 Porto

Pereira, J.B.,
Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
Dep. Zootécnia,
P-5001 Vila Real

Pimentel-Rodrigues, A.M.,
Instituto de Zoologia,
Facultade de Ciencias,
Universidade do Porto,
Gomes Teixeira,
P-4000 Porto

Rema, P.J.,
Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
Dep. Zootécnia,
Apartado 202,
P-5001 Vila Real

Santinha, J.,
Instituto Ciencias Biomedicas,
Largo Prof. Abel Salazar 2,
P-4000 Porto

Teles, A.O.,
Instituto de Zoologia,
Facultade de Ciencias,
Universidade do Porto,
Gomes Teixeira,
P-4000 Porto


Lee, H.B.,
Marine Aquaculture Section,
Primary Production Department,
300-C Nicoll Drive,
Singapore 1749


Kälvelid, A.,
Ewos Aquaculture AB,
Box 618,
S-15127 Södertalje


Blum, R.,
Lonza AG,
Postfach, CH-4002 Basel

Gabaudan, J.,
Vitamins and Fine Chemicals Research,
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.,
CH-4002 Basle


Shiau, S.-Y.,
Department of Marine Food Science,
National Taiwan Ocean University, 2,
Pei-Ninf Road,
Keelung 20224


Chen, M.-D.,
Charoen Pokphand Feedmill,
C.P. Tower (14th Floor),
313 Silon R. Bangrak,
Bangkok 1050


McCarthy, I.D.,
Department of Zoology,
University of Aberdeen,
Tillydrone Avenue,
Aberdeen, AB9 2TN

McKinney, R.W.,
Fulmar Research Fellow,
Institute of Aquaculture,
University of Stirling,
Stirling FK9 4LA

Sargent, J.R.,
NERC Unit of Aquatic Biochemistry,
University of Stirling,
Stirling FK9 4LA

Shimmin, N.,
Food Science Group Pfizer Europe & Africa,
10 Dover Road,
Kent CT13 OBN

Sillah, A.B.S.,
University of Aberdeen,
Department of Zoology,
Tillydrone Avenue,
Aberdeen AB9 2TN


Brandes, S.,
Pfizer Inc.,
Food Science Group,
235 East 42nd Street,
New York, NY 10017

Brown, P.B.,
Purdue University,
1159 Forestry Bldg.,
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Halver, J.E.,
School of Fisheries HF-15,
University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195

Maugle, P.D.,
P.D.M. & Associates,
88 Central Avenue,
Norwich, CT 06360

Ryan, B.P.,
Pfizer Inc., Food Science Group,
Eastern Point Road,
Groton, CT 06340


Tacon, A.G.J.,
(EIFAC Technical Secretary),
Fisheries Department,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
00100 Rome, Italy

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