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K. Pinter1

National Correspondent


Studies on the population dynamics of different fish species in Lake Balaton have been continued by the Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences /Tihany/. Special emphasis has been placed on effects of eutrophication and commercial fishery exploitation. During the biennium investigations included pikeperch, bream, eel, and silver carp. A very high correlation has been stated between chlorophyl and fish yields which is of great value from the point of view of management theory and fisheries practice.

In the same institute an improved grinding technique was elaborated for examining eel otoliths for age- and growth studies. This method was applied in eel-research carried out in Lake Balaton and Lake Fertó /Neusiedler See/. The detailed description is in press.

Apart from regular research works of the Institute, a special 3-year program was finished in Lake Balaton in 1984. This program was coordinated - and in a great part conducted - by the Fish-Culture Research Institute /Szarvas/. The Balaton Limnological Research Institute and the Agricultural University of Keszthely also participated in some activities. The programme was sponsored by practically all institutions involved in fishery and recreational utilization of the Lake.

The extensive research program was carried out with a view to a better preparation of the fisheries management plan for the period 1986–1990. The research was focused on problems which are in close connection with conflicts between commercial fisheries management and sportfishing. Thus the main objects were:

1 Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Kossuth Lajos tér 11, H-1055 Budapest, Hungary.

It should be mentioned here that the commercial fisheries company is interested in the production of eel and silver carp. On the contrary, sportfishermen are looking for possibilities of a more effective common carp stocking program. Although the research program was successful in many respects, and some of the results were taken into consideration in the elaboration of the new 5-year management plan, conflicts still exist.

In the framework of another 3-year research program fish populations of various water bodies in the river system of Körös were assessed by the Fish-Culture Research Institute. Special emphasis was placed on fish stocks of backwaters /or oxbowl-lakes/ as well as on feeding habits of pikeperch and silver carp. Results will be published in Hungarian and international periodicals.

Statistical data on natural water fisheries are given in section IV of this report.


1. Fish culture

During the biennium fish culture studies concentrated on the development of intensive wels farming methods and - in connection with this target - on domestication and genetic improvement of the species.

An effective technique was elaborated for inducing polyploidy in wels which enabled sophisticated genetic manipulations /bringing on viable and useful mutants, testing of genetic stability and variability, improvement of races, production of sterile populations/. Degree of ploidy can be determined by the help of a new method based on the measurement of randomly selected erythrocytes. /It should be mentioned here that this technique has also been applied successfully in studies on Chinese carp hybrids./ Application of induced polyploidy as well as deep-freezing of sperm and the technology of out-of-season propagation were taken into consideration when a largescale breeding program of wels was elaborated by the Fish-Culture Research Institute. Results of the above mentioned studies have been published as far only in Hungarian periodicals.

Studies were carried out on environmental demand of wels during pre-rearing period in basins. As a supplement to wels-research, starter feeds for wels larvae have also been tested with satisfactory results.

The same institute compared different methods of economic wels, common carp and Chinese carp brood stock raising. Investigations were carried out on growth and egg-production of these species in polycultural systems.

The gene-bank of common carp has been enlarged with new Hungarian and foreign races. By the help of biochemical markers/transferrin, prealbium/ investigations were carried out in different Hungarian common carp populations on changes of genetic spectrum during selective breeding. High variability of all the four Tf allels was stated. This result also justified the necessity of maintenance and development of gene-banks.

A long-term research program on feeding methods of common carp was achieved by the Agricultural High School of Kaposvár. Furhter studies deal with artificial feeding of wels and sterlet /Acipenser ruthenus/.

Statistical data on Hungarian pond farming are given in section IV. of this report.

2. Diseases

Although very low survival rates were reported from some fish farms, the fish sanitary situation during the biennium was satisfactory.

The most common disease was the carp erythrodermatitis, stated in 17–21 cases yearly. Spring viraema of carp was stated in 2 /1984/ and 4 /1985/ cases. Experimental vaccinations gave good results. All salmonid populations in the country are virus-free; so far no viral infection of salmonids has occured in Hungary.

The Fish-Culture Research Institute carried out investigations on Vibrio-disease /“red-head disease”/ of wels during larval rearing in basins. It was found that with treatment of eggs /active iodine preparations/ this disease could be prevented.

A new parasite of pigmented elvers was described /Myxobolus kotlani sp. n./. Investigations were carried out on its seasonal occurrence and development in the host organism.


Fish toxicity testing of different pesticides and herbicides have been performed by the Laboratory of Aquatic Life belonging to the Research Centre of Agricultural Chemistry. The same institution - in cooperation with veterinary and water management institutions - investigates more important fishkills both in natural waters and fish farms. According to the different statistics a general picture can be given on reasons of fishkills in 1983 and 1984 /data on 1985 were not available at the time of reporting/:

Causative factors:19831984
Industrial pollution12   10.5 5     5.0
Agricultural pollution /incl. food industry/  8     7.0 6     6.0
Domestic effluents  3     2.6 -
Technological problems /in fish farming/  2     1.8 1     0.9
Fish diseases  3     2.6 4     4.0
Oxygen deficiency14   12.314   13.4
Decaying organic matter  8     7.0 7     6.7
Ammonia  7     6.118   17.4
Hydrogen sulphide  3     2.6 1     0.9
Unfavourable hydrometeorological conditions  5     4.4 9     8.0
Excess of biological production  2     1.8 1     0.9
Alga-toxin  -
 1     0.9
Herbicide  -
 1     0.9
Unknown 47   41.236   35.0
Number of cases114   100104    100
Perished fish /ton/334341
Percentage of total fish production0.80.9

In 1984 for the first time in Hungary a total fishkill caused by algae belonging to the species Prymnesium parvum was observed.


Total fish production in 1983 and 1984 amounted to 43,857 and 38,976 tons respectively. The official statistics for 1985 were not available at the period of preparation of this report but - according to estimations - the total fish production will reach the 1984 level.

Decrease of fish production can be explained by the extreme drought and also by economic reasons.

1. Natural waters and reservoirs
Area in utilization /ha/appr. 136,000appr. 137,000
Commercial fisheries  
Lake Balaton /ton/
other water bodies /ton/
total /ton/
Anglers' catch /ton/4,5204,428
Total /ton/
2. Pond farming
    1983   1984
Area in utilization /ha/21,66823,253
Stocking /ton/10,83710,333
Harvesting /ton/  
common carp
Chinese carps
11,178  9,129
predatory species
     414     170
     320     191
     394     256
of which for human consumption /ton/19,41316,838
for stocking purposes /ton/
11,239  9,180


Publications of Hungarian authors /or co-authors/ related to the field of interest of EIFAC sub-commissions were listed. Titles listed in widely distributed compilations of abstracts as well as FAO publications were excluded but it should be mentioned that in addition to these bibliographic references, Hungarian works were published also in the following periodicals: Aquaculture, Arch. Hydrobiol., Arch. Toxicol., Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., EIFAC Tech. Pap., FAO/ADCP/REP, J. Fish Diseases, Parasitology, Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., Rev. Sci. Tech. Int. Epiz., Theor. Appl. Genet.

Papers published by foreign authors in Hungary were also excluded to avoid oversigths with other national reports.

Békési, L., 1984. Podstawowe metody profilaktyki stosowane w wylegarniach i obiektach hodowli karpi na Wegrzech /Prophylactic measures in carp farms and hatcheries in Hungary/. Zycie Weterynaryjne, 4:164–166. /Pol./

Békési, L., Kovács-Gayer, É., Pusztayné Ilosvay, M., Csaba, Gy., 1984. Szivárványos pisztráng /Salmo gairdneri Richardson/ nephrocalcinosisa hazánkban /Nephrocalcinosis in rainbow trout - Salmo gairdneri Richardson - in Hungary/. Magy. Állatorvosok Lapja, 39:235–238. /Hung./

Békési, L., Kovács-Gayer, É., Rátz, F., Turkovics, O., 1984. Skin infection of the sheatfish /Silurus glanis L./ caused by a herpes virus. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:25–30.

Békési, L., Majoros, G., Szabó, E., 1984. Csukaivadék /Esox lucius L./elhullását okozó rhabdovirus megjelenése hazánkben /Occurrence of a rhabdovirus in pike - Esox lucius L. - fry in Hungary/. Magy. Állatorvosok Lapja, 39:231–234. /Hung./

Benedeczky, I., Biró, P., Schaff, Zs., 1984. The effect of 2,4-D-containing herbicide /Dikonirt/ on the ultrastructure of carp /Cyprinus carpio/ liver cells. Acta Biol. Szeged, 30:107–125.

Biró, P., 1984. Lake Balaton: a shallow Pannonian water in the Carpathian Basin. In: Ecosystems of the World. 29, Lakes and Reservoirs /ed. Taub, F.B./. Elsevier Sci. Publ. Amsterdam. Chapter 9, 231–245.

Biró, P., 1984. A hazai hal és halászatbiológiai kutatások története az utóbbi 25 évben /1957–1982/ /History of Hungarian research in fish and fisheries biology during the last 25 years - 1957–1982/. In: Magyar Hidrobiológia 1957–1982 /szerk. Entz, B./. MTA Biológiai Tudományok Osztálya, Budapest, pp- 163–167. /Hung./

Biró, P., 1985. A dévérkeszeg növekedése a Balatonban /Growth of bream in Lake Balaton/. Halászat, 31:183–186. /Hung./

Bódis, G., Sibelka, G., 1985. Gorutaba: az első brazil hal-kacsa project /Gorutaba: the first fish-cum-duck project in Brasil/. Halászat, 31: 8–10. /Hung./

Botta, I., 1985. 88 szines oldal hazai halakról /88 colour pages with domestic fishes/. Mezõgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest, 93 p. /Hung./

Botta, I., Keresztessy, K., Neményi, I., 1984. Halfaunisztikai és ökológiai tapasztalatok természetes vizeinkben /Observations on fish fauna and ecology of Hungarian natural waters/. Állattani Közlemények, 71:39–50. /Hung./

Botta, I., Keresztessy, K., Pintér, K., 1984. Uj halfaj vizeinkben: a széles durbincs /Gymnocephalus baloni Holcik és Hensel, 1974/. /New fish species in Hungarian waters: Gymnocephalus baloni Holcik et Hensel, 1974/. Halászat, 30: 98–99. /Hung./

Botta, I., Keresztessy, K., Pintér, K., 1984. Gymnocephalus baloni Holcik and Hensel, 1974 /Percidae/ - a new member of Hungarian fish fauna. Aquacultura Hungarica, 4:39–42.

Bucsek, J.M., Csaba, Gy., 1984. Ultrastructural observations on a carp blood parasite of uncertain taxonomic position. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:137–147.

Csaba, Gy., 1984. Nowy pasozyt karpia /A new parasite of carp/. Zycie Weterynaryjne, 4:166–168. /Pol./

Csaba, Gy., Körmendy, B., Békési, L., 1984. Observations on the causative agent of carp erythrodermatitis in Hungary. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:63–74.

Csaba, Gy., Prigli, M., Kovács-Gayer, É., Békési, L., Bajmóczy, E., Fazekas, B., 1984. Septicaemia in silver carp /Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val./ and bighead carp /Aristichthys nobilis Rich./caused by Pseudomonas fluorescens. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:75–84.

Csányi, V., Nagy, A., 1984. A genetikai információ irányitott megváltozása a petesejt, a zigóta és a korai embrio manipulálásával /Controlled change of genetic code by manipulation of ova, zygota and early embrio/. Állattenyésztés, 33: 391–399. /Hung./

Dobrai, L., 1984. Sikeres termelési évet zártunk 1983-ban /Results of Hungarian fisheries in 1983/. Halászat, 30:65–67. /Hung./

Dobrai, L., 1985. Az 1984-es év értékelése /Analysis of Hungarian fish production in 1984/. Halászat, 31:65–69. /Hung./

El Sarraf, W., Oláh, J., Tóth, O.E., 1984. Seston and sediment amino acids in Lake Balaton. Aquacultura Hungarica, 4:97–102.

Farkas, J., 1984. Flexibacter columnaris baktérium okozta halbetegségek /Fish diseases caused by Flexibacter columnaris/. Halászat, 30:40–41. /Hung./

Farkas, J., 1984. A harcsaivadék Vibrio-betegsége /Vibrio disease of wels fry/. Halászat, 30:110–111. /Hung./

Farkas, J., 1984. Az Aeromonasok és a Pseudomonas fluorescens elõfordulása halaink mikroflórájában /Occurrence of Aeromonas sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens in microflora of fish/. Halászat, 30: 122–124. /Hung./

Farkas, J., 1984. Flexibacter columnaris in common carp /Cyprinus carpio L./. A comparative study of Hungarian and Dutch isolates of genus Flexibacter. Aquacultura Hung., 4:61–64.

Farkas, J., Kusuda, R., Oláh, J., 1984. Examination of bacteria isolated from fishes in Hungary. Aquacultura Hung., 4:65–70.

Farkas, J., Oláh, J., 1984. A fonalas Flavobacterium sp.: új hidegvizi fakultativ halkórokozó? /Thread-like Flavobacterium sp. - a new facultative fish-pathogen in cold waters ?/. Halászat, 30: 173–175. /Hung./

Farkas, J., Oláh, J., 1984. Occurrence of Pasteurella and Streptococcus in sheatfish /Silurus glanis L./ and common carp /Cyprinus carpio L./. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:47–54.

Farkas, J., Oláh, J., 1984. Occurrence, experimental infection and treatment of myxobacterial gill disease of carp. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:55–61. See also: Acuigrup. Fish diseases. Fourth COPRAQUE Session. Madrid, 133–138.

Fijan, N., Matasin, Z., Jeney, Zs., Oláh, J., Zwillenberg, L.O., 1984. Isolation of Rhabdovirus carpio from sheatfish /Silurus glanis/fry. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:17–24.

Gaál, S., Füzesi, I., Pénzes, B., 1984. A balatoni, dunai és tiszai halak nehézfém tartalma az 1979–1982 közötti idõszakban /Heavy metal content of fish from Lake Balaton, Tisza and Danube in 1979–1982/. Állattani Közlemények, 71:77–84. /Hung./

Garádi, P., 1984. A halászat fejlesztése Braziliában - magyar közremüködéssel /Development of inland fisheries in Brazil - with Hungarian cooperation/. Halászat, 30:143–144. /Hung./

Garádi, P., Woynarovich, A., 1985. A brazil-magyar halászati program 1984. évi eredményei /Results of Brazil-Hungarian fish culture program in 1984/. Halászat, 31:72–73. /Hung./

Gayer, K.É., Csaba, Gy., Békési, L., Szakolczai, J., Molnár, K., 1984. Uj adatok a pontyok úszóhólyaggyulladásához /New data on swim-bladder inflammation of common carp/. Halászat, 30:116–118. /Hung./

Gönczy, J., Tahy, B., 1985. Az angolna /The Eel/. Mezõgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest, 206 p. /Hung./

Gulyás, P., Csányi, B., 1984. Acute toxic effect of different insecticides on three fish species. Aquacultura Hung., 4:79–85.

Gunda, B. ed., 1984. The Fishing Culture of the World. Vol. I-II. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1253 p.

Györe, K., Janurik, E., Oláh, J., Szabó, P., 1984. A ponty /Cyprinus carpio L./ ammóniafüggõ légzése és ammóniatürése /Ammonia-dependent respiration and ammonia tolerancy of common carp - Cyprinus carpio L./. Halászat, 30:81–83. /Hung./

Harka, Á., 1984. New member in the fish fauna of the river Tisza: the Balon ruffe /Gymnocephalus baloni Holcik et Hensel, 1974/. Tiscia /Szeged/, 19:179–182.

Harka, Á., 1984. Studies on the growth of sheatfish /Silurus glanis L./ in river Tisza. Aquacultura Hung., 4:135–144.

Harka, Á., 1985. A Kiskörei viztározó halállománya /Fish stock of the Kisköre reservoir/. Halászat, 31:35–37. /Hung./

Horváth, L., 1985. Egg development /oogenesis/ in the common carp Cyprinus carpio L./. In Recent Advances in Aquaculture /ed. Muir, J., Roberts, R./. Vol. 2:31–77. Croom Helt Ltd, Kent.

Horváth, L., Tamás, G., Tölg, I., 1984. Special Methods in Pond Fish Husbandry. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest - Halver Corporation, Seattle, 148 p.

Jeney, G., Nemcsók, J., Oláh, J., 1984. Transaminase enzyme activity of cyprinid fish depending on environmental factors and bacterial infection. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:201–207.

Jeney, G., Péteri, A., Jeney, Zs., Oláh, J., 1984. Effect artificial propagation following thermal stress on the activity of serum transaminases /GOT, GTP/ of carp /Cyprinus carpio L./. Acta Biochemica and Biophysica Acad. Sci. Hung., 19–137.

Kovács, Gy., Oláh, J., 1984. Silver carp /Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val./ dominated domestic sewage oxidation fish pond technology. Aquacultura Hung., 4:149–155.

Kovács-Gayer, É., 1984. Histopathological studies on protozoan swimbladder inflammation of common carp fry. Parasit. Hung., 16:39–46.

Kovács-Gayer, É., 1984. Histopathological differential diagnosis of gill changes with special regard to gill necrosis. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:219–229.

Kovács-Gayer, É., Németh, I., 1984. Néhány szintetikus piretroid hatóanyagú inszekticid haltoxikológiai vizsgálata /Study on some synthetic pyrethroid insecticides from point of view of fish toxicology/. Növényvédelem, 20:249–255. /Hung./

Kozák, B., Kozák, T., 1984. Természetes zeolitásvány ammóniaszürésének vizsgálata /Investigation on ammonia fixation by zeolits/. Halászat, 30:49–50. /Hung./

Kozák, B., Kozák, T., 1984. Az ammónia hatása az európai angolna növekedésére /Effect of ammonia on growth of European eel/. Halászat, 30:102–103. /Hung./

Kozák, B., Kozák, T., 1984. Egyszerü eljárás az iparszerü haltermelõ medencék öntisztulásának és kapacitásának vizsgálatára /Simple method for determination of self-purification and production capacity of fish rearing basins/. Halászat, 30:134–136. /Hung./

Krasznai, Z., Márián, T., 1985. Kisérletek a lesõharcsa /Silurus glanis L./ spermájának mélyhütéses tartósitására és az évszaktól független szaporitásra /Experiments on milt deep-freezing and out-of-season propagation of wels - Silurus glanis L./. Halászat, 31:25–28. /Hung./

Krasznai, Z., Márián, T., 1985. A lesóharcsa genetikai teljesitõképességének fokozása /Genetic improvement of wels/. Halászat, 31:151–154. /Hung./

Krasznai, Z., Márián, T., Buris, L., Ditrói, F., 1984. Production of sterile hybrid grass carp /Ctenopharyngodon idella Val. x Aristichthys nobilis Rich./ for weed control. Aquacultura Hung., 4:33–38.

Krasznai, Z., Márián, T., Jeney, Zs., Jeney, G., Zsigri, A., 1984. Effect of triploidy on the blood cell size of hybrid grass carp. Aquacultura Hung., 4:17–24.

Krasznai, Z., Márián, T., Kovács, Gy., 1984. Production of triploid European catfish /Silurus glanis L./ by cold shock. Aquacultura Hung., 4:25–32.

Kuli, B., 1984. A tóviz oxigéntartalmának és a levegõztetõ berendezés oxigénbevitelének összefüggése, valamint a levegõztetés költségei /Relation between oxygen level of pond water and oxygen input by aerator; costs of aeration/. Halásazt, 30:146–147. /Hung./

Malik, Sz.E., Oláh, J., 1984. Effect of feeding and water quality on the ammonium-ion content of carp blood. Aquacultura Hung., 4:87–96.

Márián, T., Krasznai, Z., Bakos, J., 1984. Transzferrin polimorfizmus vizsgálat eredménye magyarországi potypopulációkban /Investigation on transferrin polymorphism in Hungarian common carp populations/. Halászat, 30:112–113. /Hung./

Márián, T., Krasznai, Z., Bakos, J., 1985. Az indukált és spontán poliploidizáció lehetõsége a halaknál /Possibilities of induced and spontaneous polyploidization in fish/. Halászat, 31:20–23. /Hung./

Márián, T., Krasznai, Z., Oláh, J., 1984. A fehér busa /Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val./, a pettyes busa /Aristichthys nobilis Rich./ és hibridjeik jellemzõ kariológiai, biokémiai és morfológiai bélyegei /Characteristic kariological, biochemical and morphological marks of silver carp - Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val. -, bighead - Aristichthys nobilis Rich. - and their hybrids/. Halászat, 30:75–80. /Hung./

Matskási, I., 1984. The effect of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi infection on the protease and α-amylase activity in the gut of carp fry. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:119–125.

Mézes, M., Vadász, Gy., 1984. Effect of injected vitamin E on lipid peroxide and vitamin E content of certain tissues of carp. Aquacultura Hung., 4:51–54.

Miklovics, H.M., Kovács-Gayer, É., Szakolczai, J., 1985. Accumulation and effect of heavy metals in the fishes of Lake Balaton. Symp. Biol. Hung., 29.

Molnár, K., 1984. Some pecularities of oocyst rejection of fish coccidia. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:87–97.

Molnár, K., 1984. Occurence of new monogeneans of Far East origin on the gill of fishes in Hungary. Acta Vet. Hung., 32:153–157.

Molnár, K., 1985. Az angolna parazitás betegségei /Parasitic diseases of eel/. Halászat, 31:180–181. /Hung./

Molnár, K., Bakos, J., Krasznai, Z., 1984. Parasites of hybrid fishes. Parasit. Hung., 17.

Molnár, K., Sövényi, J., 1984. Dermocystidium anguillae infection in elvers cultured in Hungary. Aquacultura Hung., 4:71–78.

Nagy, Á., Csányi, V., Bakos, J., Bercsényi, M., 1984. Utilization of gynogenesis and sex-reversal in commercial carp breeding: growth of the first gynogenetic hybrids. Aquacultura Hung., 4: 7–16.

Nemcsók, J., Györe, K., Oláh, J., Boros, L., 1984. Effect of NH3 on blood glucose and catecholamine level, GOT, GPT, LDH enzyme activity and respiration of fishes. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:209–217.

Oláh, J., 1985. Vizminõség-javitás halakkal a tatai Nagy-tavon /Improvement of water-quality by the help of fish in the lake Nagy-tó at Tata/. Halászat, 31:14–16. /Hung./

Oláh, J., 1985. Az elsõdleges termelés és a hozam a haltenyésztési technológiákban /Primary productior and yields in fish farming technologies/. Halászat, 31:161–162. /Hung./

Oláh, J., Sinha, V.R.P., 1984. Principles and methods monitoring of perennial undrainable pond ecosystems in tropical monsoon lands. Aquacultura Hung., 4:103–110.

Paulovits, G., Biró, P., 1984. A Fertõ tavi angolnák növekedésérõl /Growth of eel in Lake Fertõ/. Halászat, 30:35–40. /Hung./

Pintér, K., 1984. The European eel /Anguilla anguilla L./ in the Hungarian fisheries literature - a selected bibliography. Aquacultura Hung., 4:145–148.

Pónyi, J., Zarok, I.A.A., 1984. A dévérkeszeglárvák /Abramis brama Linné/ tápláléka a Balatonban /Food of bream - Abramis brama L. - larvae in Lake Balaton/. Halászat, 30:119–121. /Hung./

Pónyi, J., Zarok, I.A.A., 1984. A keszegivadékok /Abramis brama L./hosszúsági és súlyviszonyai a Balatonban /Length-weight relation of bream - Abramis brama L. - fry in Lake Balaton/.Állattani Közlemények, 71:193–195. /Hung./

Sinha, V.R.P., Woynarovich, E., 1984. Spawning of cultivated finfish in Asia and Far East. Aquacultura Hung., 4:43–49.

Sövényi, J., Petri, I., 1984. Quantitative investigation of natural hemagglutinins to human ABO blood groups in the sera of three freshwater fishes. Symp. Biol. Hung., 23:243–250.

Szabó, P., Szabó, T., Ferenczy, T., Serfõzõ, J., 1984. Investigations on the in vitro absorption of D-glucose by the branchiale of a fish, cyprinus carpio L. Aquacultura Hung., 4:55–60.

Szakolczai, J., 1984. Az 1983. évi halhústermelés az állategészségügyi laboratóriumi vizsgálatok tükrében /Conditions of fish production in 1983 - from the point of view of fish veterinarian investigations/. Halászat, 30:71–72. /Hung./

Szakolczai, J., 1985. Halegészségügy és -higiéné 1984-ben /Fish health and sanitary situation in 1984/. Halászat, 31:50–52. /Hung./

Szakolczai, J., Békési, L., 1984. A pontyok téli bõrelváltozásáról /On winter skin-lesions of carp/. Halászat, 30:178–179. /Hung./

Szitó, A., Janurik, E., Ábrahám, H.Á., 1984. Az intenziv népesitésü angolnanevelõ halastó vizének hatása a szarvasi Körös-holtág vizminõségére /Effects of effluents from the intensive eel-farming ponds on the water quality of Körös backwater at Szarvas/. Halászat, 30:130–134. /Hung./

Tátrai, I., G.-Tóth, L., Pónyi, J., 1984. The role of fishes in the processes of eutrophication. Enclosure experiment in Lake Balaton. BFB Bericht 51:111–122.

Tóth, Á., 1984. A lénai tok /The Lena sturgeon - Acipenser baeri Brandt/. Halászat, 30:7–9. /Hung./

Tóth, O.E., 1984. Mikrokapszulázott tojástáp harcsa lárvának /Microcapsulated egg diet for wels larvae/. Halászat, 30:42–44. /Hung./

Tóth, O.E., Oláh, J., Papp, Gy.Zs., 1984. Amino acid compartments in the water and sediment of Hungarian shallow waters. Aquacultura Hung., 4:111–134.

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