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1.     The Consultation concluded that additional international research effort was needed for the rapid development of aquaculture and recommended that particular emphasis be given to research on tilapias, carps, mullets, and milkfish. This emphasis should be balanced between:

  1. in-depth research on seed, health, feed and genetic improvement, in that order1, and

  2. applied research on total culture systems.

2.     The Consultation agreed that a continuing mechanism is needed for the sharing of information on both ongoing and projected aquacultural research, and on the funding of such research. The Consultation considered that the projected Aquacultural Advisory Panel of the ACMRR might be the most suitable organization to be charged with the task of periodically reviewing worldwide needs for research and development in aquaculture. Terms of reference were suggested (Appendix 4). The Consultation further suggested that periodic meetings of this panel be followed by meetings of interested donors to discuss responses to the needs thus identified.

3.     The Consultation agreed that a global research centre was needed to provide continuing facilities for long-term research in support of aquacultural development. The Consultation recommends to TAC that CGIAR be advised to channel resources into establishment and support of one global research centre for aquaculture, emphasizing work on tilapia, mullet and milkfish. Criteria for siting such a centre were essentially those of a tropical location well supplied with both fresh and salt water. Consideration should be given to reinforcing an existing centre for this purpose.

1 These subject areas were broadly interpreted by the Consultation: research on seed was considered to include research on reproductive physiology, research on regulation and control of gonad maturation and spawning, research on fry and fingerling production, and in short all that is needed to produce seed reliably and cheaply. The other fields, health, feed, and genetic improvement, were similarly considered in a broad sense.

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