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List of participants

Mr. E.F. Akyuz1
Chief, Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Service
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Dr. W.H.L. Allsopp2
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
International Development Research Centre
5990 Iona Drive
British Columbia, Canada V6T 1L4

Dr. E.E.Boschi2
Instituto Nacional de Investacion y Desarrollo Pesquero
Aptdo. 175
7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina

Mr. G.R. Bourrier3
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
International Development Research Centre
60 Queen Street
P.O. Box 8500
Ottawa, Canada KIG 3H9

Dr. R.W. Cummings1
Chairman, Technical Advisory Committee
812 Rosemont Avenue
Raleigh, N.C. 27607

Dr. N. Fijan2
Zavod za patologiju riba i pcela
Veterinarski Fakultet Svenalista
Heinzelova 55
P.O. Box 190
41001 Zagreb, Yugoslavia

Mr. J. Gaillard3
Project Secretary
International Foundation for Science
Sibyllegatan 47
S-11442 Stockholm, Sweden

Dr. J.B. Glude2
2703 W. McGraw
Seattle, Washington 98199

Dr. H.F. Henderson, Technical Secretary2
Chief, Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Prof.M. Hyder2
University of Nairobi
Department of Zoology
P.O.Box 31097
Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. H. Ishikura3
Director General
Environmental Toxicology Institute
772 2-chome, Suzuki-cho
Kodaira City
Tokyo 187, Japan

Dr. J. Johnston3
Deputy Director
Agricultural Sciences
The Rockefeller Foundation
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, N.Y. 10036

Dean R. Juliano2
Aquaculture Department
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
4th Floor, Kalayaan Building
Dela Rosa, Cor Salcedo Sts.
Makati, Metro Manila

Mr. Y.C. Kim3
Aquaculture Department
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
4th Floor, Kalayaan Building
Dela Rosa Cor Salcedo Sts.
Makati, Metro Manila

Dr. R.T. Lovell2
Auburn University
Department of Fisheries/Allied Aquaculture
Auburn, Alabama 36830

Mr. K.C. Lucas, Chairman3
Assistant Director-General
Fisheries Department
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Mr. P.J. Mahler1
Executive Secretary
Technical Advisory Committee to the CGIAR
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Mr. R.D. Mayo2
Executive Vice-President
Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Inc.
1917 First Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98101

Mr. J.H. Monyo1
Chief, Research Development Centre
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Mr. M. Neme3
Permanent Representation of France to FAO
Pizza Farnese 105
00186 Rome, Italy

Sir Charles Periera3
Peartrees, Fairlawns
Teston, Maidstone ME18 5AD
Kent, U.K.

Dr. T.V.R. Pillay2
Programme Director
Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Mr. Wm. E. Ripley3
Fisheries Adviser
Division for Global and Interregional Projects
United Nations Development Programme
One, United Nations Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10017

Dr. P.M. Roedel3
Senior Fisheries Adviser
Division of Fisheries, Office of Agriculture
Bureau for Development Support
United States International Development Cooperation Agency
Agency for International Development
Washington, D.C. 20523

Dr. Z.H. Shehadeh2
Director General
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
MCC P.O.Box 1501
Makati, Metro Manila

Mr. U.N. Wijkstrom, Technical Secretary3
Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

1 Part-time participants

2 Participants in Sub-group on Research Needs

3 Participants in Sub-group on Institutional Requirements and Needs for Coordination

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