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86. Concerning the date and place of the next session, the Technical Secretariat reported that because of the budgetary constraints already mentioned at the Second Session of COPESCAL, only two of the three Working Parties would be able to meet during the inter-sessional biennium between the two COPESCAL meetings. The Working Parties must therefore meet on a rotational basis. It was thought however, that the symposium normally associated with the COPESCAL meeting should deal with the subject matter of the Working Party not metting during the intersession. It was therefore suggested that the Third Session of COPESCAL should propose the Symposium associated with the Fourth Session in 1985 be devoted to aquaculture.

87. In closing, the Technical Secretariat thanked DINAAC for helping to organize this first meeting of the Working Party on Aquaculture, and participants and numerous observers for their valuable contributions to the discussions. On behalf of Panama, Dr Pretto thanked all participants for attending and expressed the hope that the recommendations submitted to the Third Session of the Commission would receive positive consideration and that the outcome would be to strenghten aquaculture in Latin America.

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