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At the final plenary session an address was given by the Chairman, Dr. C.P. Idyll, (Appendix 5) and the following resolution expressing the participants' appreciation to the Government of Mexico was unanimously adopted:

“That this World Scientific Conference on the Biology and Culture of Shrimps and Prawns during its terminal session this day, 21 June 1967, wishes to record its deep appreciation of the extensive time and effort given by the Government of Mexico and our many Mexican friends to making this Conference so highly successful, and in addition wishes to express its sincere thanks to all for their bountiful hospitality.”

The closing ceremony took place on Tuesday morning, 21 June 1967. Dr. M. Ruivo, speaking on behalf of FAO, emphasized the importance of the Conference in which more than 200 scientists and representatives from 36 countries and international organizations had participated.

Dr. D. N. F. Hall (United Kingdom) then proposed a vote of thanks to the Secretariat staff provided by the Host Government.

Lic. A. Cervantes Delgado, representing Lic. O. Campos Salas, Honorary President of the Conference, after expressing the appreciation of the Government of Mexico to all the participants who had contributed to the success of the Conference, declared the Conference officially closed:

“At 12:35 today, 21 June 1967, on behalf of my Government it gives me great pleasure to declare closed the FAO World Scientific Conference on the Biology of Shrimps and Prawns.”

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