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De Silva, S.S. and F.B. Davy, 1992. Fish nutrition research for semi-intensive culture systems in Asia - Asian Fish.Sci., 5:129–144

Edwards, P. et al., 1991. Tropical aquaculture development. Research needs. World Bank Tech.Pap., (151):52 p.

FAO, 1986. Atlas of African agriculture. Rome, FAO, ARC/86/3:72 p.

FAO, Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Service, 1992. Aquaculture production 1984–1990. FAO Fisheries Circular, (815, Rev. 4):206 p.

FAO, 1990. Existing mechanisms for cooperation in the Fisheries Sector in Africa. Paper presented at the OAU/Scient. Tech. Res. Commission meeting of the Committee on Oceanography, Marine and Inland Fisheries, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2–6 July 1990.

Greboval, D., A. Bonzon, M. Giudicelli and E. Chondoma, 1989. Baseline survey report (1987) on inland fisheries planning, development and management in Eastern/Central/Southern Africa, UNDP/FAO Regional Project for Inland Fisheries Planning, RAF/87/099-TD/1/89:104 p.

Hanson, B,J, et al., 1988. Pond culture of tilapia in Rwanda, a high altitude equatorial country. pp. 553–559. In R.S.V. Pullin et al. (eds). The Second International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM Conf.Proc., 15, 623 p.

Kapetsky, J.Mc., (in prep.). The potential for warmwater fish farming in Africa: A strategic assessment from a continental viewpoint

Maine, P.D. and C.E. Nash, 1987. Aquaculture sector development. A guideline for the preparation of a national plan. Rome, FAO, ADCP/REP/87/27:21 p.

Nash, C., 1992. Employment and manpower in aquaculture. A background review. Rome, FAO, Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian Reform Division, 91 p.

New, M. and I. Csavas, 1992. The importance of farm-made aquafeeds in the Asia-Pacific Region. AADCP Newsl., 3(2):14–15

Pauly, D. et al., 1991. Fisheries and aquaculture research capabilities and needs in Africa. Studies of Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Mauritania, Morocco and Senegal. World Bank Tech. Pap., (149):73 p.

PNUD, 1992. Rapport mondial pour le développement humain 1992. New York, Oxford University Press

Satia, B., 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in Africa South of the Sahara. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/36:60 p.

World Bank, 1992a. The World Bank atlas. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 36 p.

World Bank, 1992b. World development report 1992: development and the environment. New York, Oxford University Press, 308 p.

Anonymous, 1950. Comptes-rendus de la Conférence piscicole anglo-belge. Elisabethville (Congo belge), 13–18 juin 1949. Brussels, Min. Colonies, 355 p.

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