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Annex 1

Groupings2Year foundedSecretariat or HQNo. of member countries3Agroecological regions4General priorities and strategyActivities and projects ideas related to aquaculture development
CIFA1971Accra, Ghana, and Rome, Italy35allTo assist in development and stock improvement, including control of fish diseases/import of exotic species
To assist in collection/interchange/dissemination/analysis of statistical, biological, environmental data
Symposia on various subjects
Workshops on specialized subjects
Working Party on Aquaculture
Specialized publications
General session every two years
CEAO1973Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire7Sudano-Sahel. (West)Promote harmonized and balanced development of economic activities to improve standard of livingStudies undertaken for the establishment of the Inland fisheries research/development centre (Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire)
Establishment of Higher Institute for Fisheries Science and Technology (ISSTH) since 1988 (Nouadhibou, Mauritania)
CEEAC1981Libreville, Gabon10Central
Coordination of research and training programme
Irrigation development
CEPGL1976Gisenyi, Rwanda3Central
Promote economic integration, create framework for coordination in various areas (science, technology, social, economic …)Establishment of Agricultural and Zootechnical Research Institute (IRAZ) in 1979
Project ideas:
Establishment of subregional fisheries institute for training of research/development senior staff
Establishment of subregional centre for extension
Subregionalization of existing centre for research and training in fish farming (Rwanda)
CILSS1973Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso9Sudano-Sahel. (West)To control drought and its effects in the Sudano-Sahelian regionEstablishment of Sahel Institute and its Sahelian Network for Scientific and Technical Documentation and Information (RESADOC) in Bamako, Mali
Project idea:
Establish regional project stationed at Mopti, Mali, for:
Training and development
Restocking small water bodies from a series of fingerling production centres
Nigeria (Abudja)
16Sudano-Sahel (West)Development of existing national and subregional structuresProject ideas:
Various for aquaculture development
PTA1981Lusaka, Zambia16East
Upgrading of existing research and training facilities to develop them into regional centresAction programme to undertake:
Research on fish breeding/feeding management at Uganda Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization in collaboration with Malawi and Zambia
Manpower training for development based on use of local fish species
Construction of large dams
SADCC1980Lilongwe, Malawi (for fisheries)9SouthernFood security through increased fish production and trade
Training, infrastructure/equipment, improved information base
1990Idem10Regional fisheries training
1991Lilongwe, MLW (Inland Fish.)
Windhoek, NAM (Marine Fish.)
 Fish/duck farming in Lesotho
1992Idem10Fish/pig farming in Malawi
Regional Fisheries Info/Documentation Centre
Project ideas:
National Aquaculture Centre, Zambia
Small-scale fish farming development, Angola
National research/training centre, Angola
Organization of regional training:
-University of Zimbabwe: fish culture research/hydrobiology
-University of Malawi (Bunda College): development planning and project management
-Malawi, National Resources College/Mpapwe Training Institute: technical training and extension
-Aquaculture Centre, Chilanga, Zambia: fish farming technology
UDEAC1964N'Djamena6Central (Sudano-Sahel.) 1987: Establishment of Economic Commission for Livestock, Meat and Marine Resources (CEBEVIRHA-UDEAC) in N'Djamena, Chad
Project ideas:
Integrated development of aquaculture
Creation of research centre on aquaculture

1 Acc. FAO, 1990
2 See Abbreviations, page vii
3 See Table 4 for CIFA and Table 6 for all others
4 See Table 6 and Figure 3 (excluding CIFA); in parentheses, region of minor importance

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