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Carter, J., D. Tweddle and L. Sefu (1984). Proposals for fishing regulations within the Lake Malawi National Park: results of an interdepartmental study, 29th February–2nd March 1984. Departments of National Parks & Wildlife and Fisheries, 18 p. (mimeo)

Fyson, J. and J.S. Hayward (1989). Report on the training course for local boat builders in the construction of a carvel planked canoe. Kachulu, Lake Chilwa, Malawi, 28th May to 25th June 1989. MAGFAD Project Report, 15 p.

GOPA (1987). Malawi fisheries development strategy study. GOPA Consultancy Final Report, 319 p.

Jones, D., S. Akester and A Palfreman (1990). Evaluation of ODA institutional support to Malawi Fisheries Department. Overseas Development Administration Evaluation Report, EV 446, 125 p.

Kafumba-Utonga, C.R. (1981). Fishing of Likoma Island (change and development) pre and post 1970. Chancellor College Seminar Paper, University of Malawi, 16 p.

Kapeleta, L. (1980). The coming of the Tonga and the commercialisation of fishing in Monkey Bay area: a case study. Sociology Seminar Paper, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, 9 p.

Köthke, C. (1989). Final report of the short-term expert master fisherman Christian Köthke on his assignment for a test fishery at Lakes Chilwa and Chiuta in Malawi from 31.5.89 to 14.7.89. GTZ-Project No. 2218.701.100.

Landes, A. and G. Otte (1983). Entwicklung der Fischerei und der Teichwirtschaft im Gebiet der Seen Chilwa und Chiuta, Malawi. Projekt Nr. 81.2098.2 Feasibilitystudie, GTZ, 176 p. (English version also prepared entitled “Fisheries development in the Lake Chilwa and Chiuta region in Malawi”, 40 p.)

Mills, G.G. (n.d.). Self-help projects in the MAGFAD target populations of Lakes Chilwa and Chiuta and the Chingale area. Consultancy Report to GTZ MAGFAD Project, 49 p.

Mughandira, K.J. (1979). Specifications for dried fish in Malawi. Fish Processing Advisory Note, 1:3 p. (mimeo)

Nichols, R.E. (1989). Status of pollution prevention from maritime activities on Lake Malawi resulting from carriage of oil, hazardous chemicals and sewage disposal from vessels. I.M.O. Malawi (17 July to 12 August) Mission Report (MLW/87/002), 55 p.

Ojda, L. (1988). Lake Chiuta Studie, Zwischenbericht. Report to GTZ MAGFAD Project, 8 p.

Seymour, A.G. (1988). Likoma and Chizumulu Islands production, processing and trading in the chirimila fishery. Consultancy Report to National Rural Centres Program, German Technical Assistance Project, 70 p.

Stamatopoulos, C. (1989). Malawi. Statistical and computing aspects in developing statistical systems in Malawi. A report prepared for the Chambo Fisheries Research Project. Rome, FAO, FAO/DP/MLW/86/013-Field-Doc-1:37 p.

Tweddle, D. (1986). The role of fisheries research in the management and development of the fisheries of Malawi. Paper presented at Seminar for Policy Makers on the Role of Scientific Research and Technology in National Development: 29–30 August, 1986, Kwacha International Conference Centre, Blantyre.

Walter, G.O. (1988). Supply, marketing and consumption of fish:Intakes of other basic food stuff: Demand for smoking- and fuelwood in the target area of the Malawi-German Lakes Chilwa and Chiuta Fisheries Development Project. Consultancy Report to GTZ MAGFAD Project, 156 p.

Anon (1987). Small scale fish farming in the southern region of Malawi. Cofad report to GTZ Magfad Project, 76 p.

Anon (1988). An analysis of boatbuilding requirements for the canoe fishery of Lake Chilwa, Malawi. MacAlister Elliott and Partners Ltd., draft report to GTZ MAGFAD Project, 42 p.

Anon (1990). Malawi Central and Northern Regions Fish Farming Project, Annual Report 1989/90. Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, European Development Fund, 79 p.

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