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In the German language all nouns start with a capital letter. It has been pointed out to me that in the original bibliography (Tweddle and Mkoko, 1986) they were given small initial letters. These should therefore be corrected in all German references. In the list of other amendments below, which corrects typographical errors and adds extra information where it has been obtained, e.g. missing page numbers, the number referred to is the number of that reference in the original bibliography.

0167Add P. Shaw as fourth author.
0290For “1980” read “1984”. Publication details are:
S.Afr.Nat.Sci.Prog.Rep.No. 92:135–54.
0309Page numbers are “254 p.”
0415Insert “Malawi:” before “Fish”.
0427Delete “Barbus paludinosus Peters” from title.
0482For “1979” read “1978a”. Delete “Lake” from title. Page numbers are “7 p.”
0511For “density” read “dispersion”.
0626Accents omitted in authors' names, which should read Müller and Förstner.
0751For “1910” read “1909” in both places.
0752For “1910a” read “1910”. Page numbers are “732–60”.
0860Page numbers are “5–11”.
0861Page numbers are “67–70”.
0908For “bundbarsch” read “Buntbarsch”.
0910Initials are “T.D.”. Delete “(fish marketing)” from title. Book editor is J.G. Stewart.
1056aThis paper has now been published. In Predator-prey relationships, population dynamics and fisheries productivities of large African lakes, edited by D. Lewis. CIFA Occas.Pap., (15):45–52.
1095An abbreviated form of this paper has been published. In Problems of natural resources in Malawi. IBP Conference, University of Malawi, 25 and 26 July 1969, pp.19–20.
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