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50.     Lecomte reported that in the Programme on Glass Eel, progress had been made by French colleagues but problems had been experienced in getting samples from all localities. Cost and man-hour problems were also causes of the limited success. After discussion, it was decided that the fundamental aims and objectives of the Proposal, as stated in Annex F of the 1991 Meeting Report, were still supported. However, it was recognised that the scope of work for the next inter-sessional needed to be reduced to:

Working Party members are, however, encouraged to attempt to achieve the aims and objectives of the original Proposal, if at all possible, on the basis of samples collected in the spring of 1994.

51.     Desaunay introduced the scheme drawn up by Guy Fontenelle for implementing the work of the Programme on Growth. The members of the group present at the Session agreed to examine the scheme and return it before the end of June to Fontenelle with suggestions for final alterations. He would be requested to assign to Moriarty and Klein Breteler lists of colleagues who could be expected to provide the required information. Moriarty and Klein Breteler, in the temporary absence from Europe of Fontenelle, would gather the information and return it to Fontenelle who would present a preliminary report to the 9th Session.

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